Chapter 7

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I arrived for my accompaniment practise at lunch, Mr. Knight wasn’t there. I scrunched my face up as I tried to remember if I’d gotten my time correct, or where he would be.

Miss Sharp, the music receptionist popped her head in, startled by the sudden movement in the doorway I relaxed my face. Having a screwed up face isn’t very attractive, at least not when I do it.

“Mr Knight won’t be in today, he’s gone home sick.”

“Alright, thanks” I replied as she left. I’m not crazy, that explains his absence.

I sat at the glossy black grand piano in the auditorium, and decided I may as well still have rehearsal; after all, I booked out the room. I began to just play, because it was just what I felt like, I was getting sick of doing the same solo pieces over and over. I heard a crash come from inside the percussion closet halfway through the song.

 I got up and walked over to it, half expecting to find Andrew hiding in the closet, especially after he listened in on my lesson yesterday. Instead I found a yr 10 girl in tears; she obviously was a music student, to know that there aren’t many percussionists, so no one would find her in the storage cupboard. I don’t know her name, but I feel kind of bad to just leave her there crying after walking in on her.

 “Are you alright?”

 “Not really” she sobbed.

 “Did you want to talk about it?” she looked up at me, some sort of recognition flashing across her face.

 “Hey, your Andrews friend” she paused, beginning to look nervous. How did she know that?

 “Emilee? right?”

 “Um...yeah, how did you know?”

  “He was suppose to catch the bus home with me on Monday, but he said he was catching a ride with you instead, I saw him meet you at your car” she blushed.

 “Oh okay” Stalker much? seem to have a never ending supply these days, I smirked to myself, I don’t normally crack good jokes. If only it was appropriate to say it aloud, or that someone would even understand it.  I quickly hid my smirk, so as not to offend the girl and sat down on the floor in the doorway to the cupboard.

 “He’s the reason I’m upset” She sighed.

 “What did he do now?” I expressed tiresomely.

 “Nothing really” she looked passed me. She must be reflecting on something, I do that sometimes.

 “I thought he was keen on me. We’ve been flirting for ages, so I decided to ask him out, and he shut me down” She paused, deciding whether to continue telling me. The internal struggle was written across her face.

 “Not gently either, mind you, he didn’t even use a pleasant tone, he was just like, ‘um no, I like someone else’, and then walked off” she gushed in one breath. Man can this girl talk fast.

 “Oh, I’m sorry” I said as I put my hand on her knee. I really did feel bad for her; Andrew can be such a jerk sometimes.

 Her eyes shot up when she noticed the contact between my hand and her knee.

 “Anyway, sorry to dump all this on you” she said as she got up. “But thanks for listening; I really need to learn not to react this way”. She spurted and left quickly.

 I found myself feeling sceptical about how abruptly she tried to leave after realising I was friends with Andrew. There was more than just recognition in her face, but I couldn’t work out what the other expression was. If only I was like that guy on that show... the one that reads facial expressions... The Mentalist... that’s not it...although he does do that....

 Well that was odd, may as well continue rehearsal. Lie to me! That’s it! I wish I could read facial expressions like him. Hell I wish I could read minds sometimes like that vampire in Twilight.

 As I continued rehearsal, I couldn’t help think back to what had just happened. I found my fingers just dancing across the keys, not playing anything in particular.

 What an odd reaction, I wonder who Andrew likes, or was that just a typical response to try to let her down easy. He’s never been the brightest for considering others feelings.

 Who could it be? There’s no one at work. I can’t even think of who he hangs out with that it would be.

 Why am I even worrying about this? I’m sure if I ask he’ll tell me. He tells me everything anyway.

 Hmmmm... But he hasn’t mentioned anything yet.

 EMILEE!!! FOCUS!!! DO YOUR REHEARSAL!!! I scolded myself.

 Just as I played the introduction to the piece the bell echoed throughout campus.

 I gave a sigh. Damn Andrew! Always interfering in my life! I haven’t accomplished anything today!

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