Chapter Three.

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I didn't even realize at what time I woke up and took a shower.
I go downstairs, ready to leave.
"Aren't you having breakfast?", Elaine asks from the kitchen counter.
"I'll eat something at school, bye!" I wave and start running to the bus stop, hoping I didn't missed it again.

I didn't, as I watch it coming down my block. I get up, take a seat, and take my phone and headphones out. I go to my music library and start playing Papercut by Zedd ft. Troye Sivan.
I have a pretty random music taste.

Once I've arrived school, I direct myself to the cafeteria. I buy some pancakes, a chocolate milkshake, and an orange juice for later on. As I'm eating, I watch the school slowly getting full of students; middle school kids playing around, high school students finishing homework and assignments, and some other just chilling out.
I spot May coming closer with her backpack hanging from her right shoulder. She throws it on the floor.
"Nice to see you too", I sarcastically say.
"I'm tired", she lays her head on the table
"Why's that?", I ask, taking a sip of my chocolate milkshake.
"My brother and I spent all night long playing skyrim. I only got to sleep 30min", May growls.
"Go to the infirmary, say you feel terrible, and sleep", I suggest.
"Nah, I'm strong enough to resist", she grabs a piece of my pancakes and eats it.
"Alright", I say as I eat the remaining piece of my pancake.
"Let's get going", I stand up and grab my backpack.

May looks, walks, and talks like a zombie. Maybe this is the beginning of the apocalypse and I'm the next one.
"You should really have some rest", I tell her
"I'm fine, I promise", she growls

Once we've arrived to our classroom, we set our things on our tables and seat on a bench outside.
"What are you doing on Saturday?", May asks.
"Uhm, for now, nothing, why?", I ask back.
"A friend of mine is throwing a party, and I don't want to go alone, and I know Daniel's mom won't let him go, so...", she raises an eyebrow.
"Alright, I'll go, just because it's you". May rolls her eyes. A black backpack lands in the spot beside me and I realize Daniel is here.
"May's home today?", he asks.
"No, I have plans after school ", I reply.
" Since when do you do sports?", he nags. How does he know what I'm talking about? So confused. I never really...told them...?
"Since when do you have a saying on when you can come to my house", May stares at Daniel, "you can't come today, I have to go with my mom to a baby shower, ew.", she wrinkles her nose.
"So what am I doing today", Daniel pouts.
"I don't know. Go to the gym. Get a girlfriend, or play skyrim with your imaginary friend.", I smile.
Daniel growls and gets inside the classroom.

The bell rings. I walk up to my locker and get ready for two Spanish classes. Ugh.

After those two boring classes had gone by, we get out and decide to eat outside the class, on a bench. We talk about random crap and laugh at Daniel's anecdotes with his grandpa's hens. "So yeah, I was riding the motorcycle, and all of a sudden two hens get in my way. I drifted in an attempt to not crush them, but then I realized that a chicken was behind them. The hens moved away, but the back wheel hit the chicken and it went flying in the air while I fell down from the motorcycle, without any protection", Daniel takes a breath, "and then-"
"What happened with the chicken?", I interrupt.
"I don't know. I searched for it and never found it", he shrugs.

I would've loved to see that to be honest.

The bell rings again and we all go to the computer lab. I actually dislike computer class, it's boring.

Once it's over, we all walk back to our classroom. Mr. Bradford is standing there with two girl.
We all take our seat, anticipating what Mr. Bradford is about to say.
"Good morning kids. These are your new classmates", he point at them and they all wave, "introduce yourselves",
"Hi, I'm Myra. I'm 16 years old", the brunette, with long, straight hair and greeny-blue eyes introduces herself.
"I'm Lana. 17 years old", the tall, brunette girl introduces herself. She has a french bride falling perfectly right upon her waist. She has hazel eyes and no visible imperfection.

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