Tokyo Monsters?

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"Umm they're...uh....hows does coffee taste." He said trying to avoid the question best as possible but I knew he lying. "Frank the coffee is delicious,but stop avoiding the question,if you really don't want to tell then i won't bug you so much about it." I said trying to do reverse psychology then I look down at my coffee to take a sip then look back up peeking through my bangs to see if he was going to say anything. "No...No I really do need to tell you, what they are since you are staying in tokyo fooor... what how long you staying here for?" He said "Probably a year." I said not being sure if I was going to like staying in japan so long or would get homesick. "I should DEFINITELY tell you this then, okay ghouls are basically human monsters or monsters that look like humans that eat humans." He said the bluntess I every heard him speak before. I Stare wide eyed at him like he was crazy seeing if he was joking with me. "And no gerard i'm not joking with you." He said, I finally get out of my shocked state and say "Oh, do you know how to tell the difference between a regular human being and ghouls?" "Nope" he said popping the 'p' "Wait!, actually there is one thing, ghouls can't eat human food." He said, finally calming me down when he said 'nope'.Then a woman came in with long purple hair, red framed glasses, and a white dress. She seem to be looking at the black hair guy I was sitting behind. "Gee, you in love or something you have been staring at that girl for a while now." "Huh, no" I said a little too quickly with a light blush dusting my cheeks. "Ooooo~ Gee's got a crush." He said making a heart with his hands. "Dude, shut up, don't you have a job." I said my blush getting a little bit darker. "I'm on my brea-" before he could finsh his sentence someone cut him off. "FRANK GET BACK IN HERE!" Someone yelled. " Breaks over." He said getting up up going into the back room to talk to someone, I guess. "Well isn't this a grand day." I said letting my head hit the table.

I don't own all the art in this story

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