Intro & Disclaimer

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As you can probably tell from the title I will be going through different things that annoy me in Fanfics and sometimes they happen in other stories as well.

Disclaimer: By no means am I saying that these things are wrong, they are just what I dislike in a fanfic. Also I can't write an amazing one anyway so hats off to all of you who have but I know what makes a good read and what doesn't in my opinion.

Also, this is mainly gonna be based off One Direction Fanfics as they are like the only ones I read- sorry! I will put it out there now that I haven't read a big variety, so there may be things I miss out. If this happens please tell me some more that you would like me to cover and any recommendations for good fanfics.

Just wanted to put it again so you get it into yo heads!!!!!

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