Paternal instincts

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Leah's P.O.V.

The news didn't stick in my head yet.

I thought my mom was just talking gibberish shit.

But until she showed me his Facebook page I didn't believe it.

And the worst part of it all was that I had a fucking half brother.


From the pictures he looked like a rich twig.

But I was really hoping age made him get.... Better.

"Mom! Why the fuck did you hide this from me!!!?" I screamed as I threw her phone on the sofa.

"Sweetie. I didn't want Dylan to hurt you, to hurt us again. So I lied for fourteen years."

"Fine. But when is the little fucker coming back?"

"What little coming back?" Said my step dad Jerry as he stuttered and choked on saying fuck.

"It's Dylan. He and Elliot are coming back to Addison tomorrow."

"What. Josie. Why did you talk to that Prix?"

Wait . The fuck?

benandJerry knows about my dad.

"You told Jerry about my father!!!" I screamed.

"How could you mom.

You tell a complete stranger but you can't tell your own flesh and blood!!"

"And you Jerry. I was actually starting to like you."


"Leah. I can explain."

"Just leave me the fuck alone."

I screamed as I ran out the house.


Cole's P.O.V.

There was a knock on the front door.

"I'll get it!!"

I opened the door and Leah ran into my arms.

"Hey. What's wrong princess?"

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she buried her face in my neck.

"Its very complicated!"

She sat down on the porch and told me everything.

"Leah. I know you're worried. Thinking what if I turn out like that."

"No"she replied her eyes cloudy from tears.

"Look Leah. Those babies are my responsibility. No one, and nothing will keep me away from protecting them."

She looked at me and smiled.

"I love you Leah and I tell you that a lot and I mean it."

I cupped her face and kissed her lips.

"Cole. I need you and Alex to come over and help me with Mr. Piper and Elliot."

Anything for my angel.

I pinched my nose and held my breath as I plunged beneath the murky waters. Searching for the inevitable.

Searching for something I couldn't have.

I new the pain would subside by one draw of water through my nose.

I had to. I must!

Death was an option. In fact the only option.

If it was the time for my powers to suddenly save me it was now.

Enjoy this excerpt from my new book coming of soon.

The fault in our scars.

Lovebrenae101 💋💋💋❤

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