He noticed me

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I got tired of waiting for her in the car so I got out to look for her again.
Walking half way in I got bumped in to. I looked down to see Elizabeth crying. She didn't say anything she just kept running, I called after her but she kept on running.

I don't know hey I have feelings for her but they need to leave. I called up one of my hoes and told her to meet me at a hotel to get Lizzy off my mind.

Two hours later.

"Kevin I was wondering.....we should start a relationship because.."

"Nope " I cut her off popping the P. "Not going to happen ..now get up" I told her.

"Wha.." she was stumbling over her words.

"Did I stutter ?" I told her a little harsh coming out of my tone.

"But ..I"

"You still here?" I asked her making her jump.

She grabbed her things and stomped out. I didn't mean to hurt her but I don't want a relationship with anyone, that's just me.

Running my fingers through my hair, I began to get up and take a long shower. That's girl had the nerve to ask me in to a relationship.


Being fired ....I don't know how I'm going to get my way around new York. Maybe a waitress, or find another hospital.

I pulled up to a coffee shop down the road from my house. I ordered a medium caramel frappe. And sat next to the window in a booth. Once I sat down I pulled out my phone and went through facebook to see who else is having a bad day.

About 20 mins later I go to throw away my cup when I bump in to a hard surface. God I have got to stop doing that. I look up and see that guy that I met in the hospital, I never got his name.

"Sorry, excuse me" I said putting my head back down and going around him.

"No problem Lizzy" his voice so soft and deep.

"How did you..." I said tuning around but he was flirting with the cashier. I rolled my eyes and walked out headed to my car. But doing clamped down on my wrist witch caused me to wince.

I looked to see some bum trying to take my purse. I yelp out for help, but he already ran off with my purse.

Great no job and now no money.

I stand there crying wanting to just kill my self when that guy walks out of the coffee shop. I tried to wipe my face before he saw me but it was to late.

"Are you OK?" He asked with concern written on his face and voice.

"I'm fine!" I practically yelled at him.

"Doesn't look like it, I saw you like this earlier today at the hospital"

He doesn't stop talking "I tried calling your name but you kept running"

"What's wrong Elizabeth?"

"I was fired today, plus some bum just stole my purse with all of my money and ID in it and my car keys. So I'm just sitting here until I can think of something." I told him, he nodded to let me know he was listening.

"Look your a bachelor and I'm a ...well use to be nurse, nothing in common. Shocks the hell out of Me to see that you actually care about me."
He gave me an confusing look narrowing his eye brows.

"Why wouldn't I care? There is a beautiful woman sitting out side of my favorite coffee shop crying."
He explained.

"Well, because your a bachelor. A stuck up rich white boy who can have any women in the world to have sex with you and then leave them." I explained back.

" white boy and rich part yes but I stopped having sex with all the women in the world I told my self I had to settle down and become something much more."
He met my gaze and didn't break it. His grey eyes making me want to melt were I'm sitting.

"Come on get up" he held his hand out for me to get up.

I reached for his hand and he pulled me up. He is so strong that I basically hit his chest as he pulled me up. My hands are on his chest and he his looking down at me with this look in his eyes that I can't quite explain.

I break our little moment and began to speak. "Where are we going ?" I asked.

"You will see " he gave me a smile.

"I'm not getting in a car with a stranger.." I told him

"I'm not a stranger" he said.

"I don't even know your name" I have him a look.

"Kevin" he smiled " Kevin Johnson".

"Well Kevin...it was nice meeting you."
I said and began to walk away.

He drove up to me. This guy here just want stop.

" just get in please... I don't want you getting hurt liz." His accent coming out.

"How do you know my name?" I stopped to look at him.

"You do have on a name tag" he pointed to my chest.

"Fine I'll come with you, but if try anything I will.."

"I won't I promise." He held his hands up in surrender. I sighed and got in the car with him and we drove away.

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