Chapter 3

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I stood at my locker avoiding all eye contact with anyone that passed me. I felt like I was being watched. I felt like everyone knew that I had been arrested. I don't know how they knew but they knew, trust me.

Nothing happens at this school that goes unnoticed. Not even something little like the time a freshman vomited in gym class. That was the talk of the school for at least a week so you can imagine what a huge scandal Adrian and I getting arrested would be. This school runs off of gossip so it was only a matter of time before everyone found out what had happened on Friday night.

For once in my entire high school career I didn't feel like a wallflower who no one payed any attention to. For once I felt like I was standing in the spotlight and everyone was staring and whispering.

I opened my locker and pushed my face in as far as I could, probably making myself look like a total freak.

Just block them out. I thought to myself as I took out my books.

By now you're probably wondering what happened after I called my mom from the station on Friday night. Well let's just say it didn't go so well.

At first she thought I was joking, I mean can you blame her? I go from being a goody little two shoes, to being arrested all within the span of a couple of hours. Once I assured her I wasn't infact joking the screaming started. Yep, a good 60 seconds of it before I told her I was running out of time and she needed to come and get me now.

She came alone and in about 20 minutes we were out of there. I can't even begin tell you how amazing it felt to be free. I was only locked up for a couple of hours but being stuck in there with Adrian made it feel like much, much longer. I was finally free of him and I told myself that from then on I would avoid him at all costs.

The drive home was anything but peaceful. My mum spent the entire ride lecturing me about rules and respect and how I was grounded for the next month. Now, for some people a month isn't a lot but I have never been grounded before, so a month is like eternity!

I spent the rest of my weekend alone in my room with no phone and no laptop because my mom had confiscated them. Which totally ruined the awesome Netflix weekend I had originally planned.

So yeah, that was my weekend. Sounds great doesn't it?

I closed my locker and saw my best friend, Stephanie rushing towards me with our other friend Tara, following closely behind.

Stephanie and I have been best friends since middle school. We both bonded over our deep hatred for gym class on the first day of sixth grade when our teacher made us all run about 20 laps around the football field. Steph and I had snuck out half way through and hid in the locker rooms and from that day forward we were best friends.

Tara on the other hand was new to our school two years ago and she kind of just stuck to us. Not that I mind, she's nice enough I guess but I always felt like there was something off about her. Steph thinks I'm crazy and loves having Tara around so I put my thoughts behind me and just put on a smile.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Steph yells as she runs up to me. "I've been trying to call you all weekend. I even stopped by your house but your mom said you were grounded. What the hell happened? Why were you grounded? You never get grounded. Please don't tell me it has something to do with that atrocious mess out-"

"Relax Steph." I say, cutting her off. "Well, there was a bit of a misunderstanding on Friday night and I kind of.... Umm.. got arrested with Adrian Kings." I said, nervous about her reaction.

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