Chapter 4

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I'm so sorry if you like my story and noticed that I haven't updated in forever! I was on vacation and there was NO COMPUTERS!!!! I KNOW RIGHT?! I only have my iPod, and I couldn't figure out how to update is from there... So, yeah. Here's part four!

Aliyah's POV

I woke up in a strange bed, most likely a hospital. Harry was on my right side holding my hand. My vision was a little blurred, but the only way I could tell that it was Harry was by his curly locks. I looked around and saw Eleanor and Louis cuddled on a little couch in the corner. Liam was asleep leaning against the wall, and Niall was below him. He was asleep at Liam's feet with a piece of fried chicken dangling from his mouth and cuddling the bucket of his chicken. Zayn wasn't even in the room. Where was he?

"H-Harry?" I softly whispered. Harry looked at me and his eyes widened.

"Thank goodness you're awake, everyone was worried" Harry kindly said.

"Wait, W-Where's Zayn?"

"He's outside of the room speaking to the doctors. Want me to get him?"

"Yes," I faintly said. Harry nodded and set my hand down as if it was going to shatter into millions of pieces. I watched him as he exited the room and closed the door. I heard him interrupt the conversation between the doctors and Zayn.

"What do you mean you found drugs in her system?! She hates that kind of thing!" Zayn sounded angry. Drugs? Drugs in my system?! What the hell! I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Um, pardon me, but Aliyah just woke up. She's asking for you, Zayn."

"Oh, we'll disscuss this later. I need to see her. Now." I heard Zayn say in a soft tone. I heard the door open and Zayn walked in. He sat on the chair to my left. He grabbed my hand and covered it with his.

"How are you feeling, love?" He asked on the verge of crying. I could see his eyes water up. Tears threatened to stream down my face, but I held them in.

"I'm in a little pain," My voice was weak. Truth is, my head is pounding. I felt horrible. I most likely looked like it too. He held my hand tighter.

"How long was I out?" I asked curiously. I was hoping the answer wouldn't be that bad.

"About five days. You got a concussion and slipped into a coma." My eyes widened and I furrowed my eyebrows. Was everyone here for five days straight?

"You guys were here for five days? What do you mean I got a concussion and slipped into a coma?! What happened?!" I could tell I ,was starting to yell a bit. Zayn hushed me and rubbed my hand.

"When you fell you hit your head on the floor, instantly knocking you out and giving you a concussion. But on the way to the hospital, you slipped into a coma. We got a few hotel rooms from the hotel next door, so we could sleep there and visit all day everyday. But look, the doctors say you're going to be fine in a couple of days, so dont worry. I'm here for you." He confessed. Now I feel bad for causing all of this drama.

"Why did I fall in the first place, then?" I questioned. I felt like I was annoying him with questions. Zayn shook his head signalling that I probably shouldn't know. But I already do know.

"The doctors will be asking you questions when you feel better."

"Oh, okay." I whispered sadly. What could have happened? I thought my self an ocean of thoughts. I soon drifted off back into a light sleep.

*A Few Days Later*

"Alright miss. mind if I ask you a few questions?" A doctor of some sort with a clipboard asked me. The man seemed nice. He had snowy grey hair, thin glasses, and he was at an average height for a male. He looked like the kind of doctor you would see in a commercial or in a depressing movie.

"Ask away," I said liftingmy arms up and slapping down against my thigh when I brought them down.

"Where were you before you went to the airport?" He asked whilst looking at he clipboard. I thought hard.

"Umm, I remember waking up and doing my daily routine. Then, I stopped by the coffee shop at the airport when I was waiting for the boys. I remember the coffee tasting different. I just thought it was a new ingredient or something." I replied truthfully. The man leaned forward taking his glasses off dramatically. He starred into my eyes practically peering into my soul. My heart was pounding harder than drums.

"Where exactly is this 'coffee shop' and what exactly did you order?" He whispered to me. His voice sounding stern.

"I-I just ordered a iced c-coffee." I stuttered. It was difficult to speak with him in my face. This was bugging me. I scooted back a little bit. He could tell I was uncomfortable. The man sat up straight and put his glasses back on. He cleared his throat.

"Thank you for your time." He said. He just stood up, and left. And that was it. Weird.....

What do you think will happen??? I'm so terribly sorry for the slow as hell chapter updates!!!! I'm also sorry for this chapter being short. Writer's block sucks.

Follow me on Twitter: @1D_Infected_Luv

Tweet me if you like this or if you have any suggestions for this story or the next chapter!!! Byeee

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