Chapter 8

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Hey, Happy Thanksgiving! (For my American readers). Anyhow, this was long, but I split it so I'll be putting up another chapter soon since it's all done. Yay!

Chapter 8

Tuesday morning I stomp out of the house, shutting the door on Mom after she slipped in a veiled reference on buying protection. I love her, I do. I think she's amazing. But every time she sees me with a guy she freaks out.

I see Hal waiting for me in the garage and sigh, giving in to his demands 1. because Ruth texted me "Ride with Hal" and 2. because I'm really cold. As I walk to his car I trip over some wires on the ground. Who leaves wires on the ground anyhow?

"If you could avoid falling on your face today, that would be great." Hal says, getting in his car.

"Yea, well if you could avoid sexually harassing me today, that would be great too."

He rolls his eyes and peels out of the driveway as I hang on for dear life. "Mom wants to take you shopping on Friday."

"I have school."

"She knows. It doesn't matter. Apparently you need something to wear for our night out."

"Well I'll go to the mall." I say as Hal squeals into the school parking lot and throws the car into park.

He looks at me exasperated, "You can wear whatever you want, okay? We're going to Daniel in New York and we're going to see some play. We'll be photographed about a millions times. So if you want to wear your school uniform, by all means, represent."

"I don't look that bad in my uniform." I protest, staring down at myself. The truth is, no one actually looks good in a skirt with box pleats and a button down shirt with the school logo sewn on the boob, but I don't think I look hideous in the uniform.

He shrugs. I can't see the answer in his eyes. You don't look that good either. It's what he wants to say. But he's obviously afraid of my wrath.

"I'll think about it." I tell him before flinging open the door.

"Hold on." He calls. I stop and wait for him as he comes around and holds my arm to lift me out of the car.

"Is all this physical contact entirely necessary?" I ask, reaching back for my backpack.

"It is when you can't walk without falling. Besides, you never who might be around."

He holds my hand all the way into school.

I know most girls find this appealing, but I find it revolting. A guy holding my hand is like a dog peeing on a fire hydrant. He's just marking his territory. Well, Hal Monroe, I am not territory to be marked.

I wretch my hand out of his grasp, he tries to keep it, and so when I succeed, I fall on the steps. Not just on the steps, I fall back down the steps, gashing my hand.

"Kate." He sighs, picking me up as about a million people ask if I'm okay while they simultaneously take pictures of my disheveled uniform.

"Yea, I'm good." I say, holding my palm shut so no one sees it bleeding.

"Come on." Hal says, picking me up.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Taking you to the nurse."

"I can walk."

"Obviously not. Lily, grab her bag."

I hadn't even noticed Lily until now. She grabs my bag and follows with that dreamy "he-just-rescued-her" look in her eyes.

Note to self: learn social skillsWhere stories live. Discover now