Chapter 11

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Hullo! So Christmas break is almost over, so here's a chapter to ease the pain! Enjoy!




Chapter 11

School on Monday seems longer than the typical Monday. The first thing that happens is Lily happily shows me all of the news clippings she saved of me over the weekend. I look scared in most of them. My eyes are all big like a deer in front of car. I look like I'm about to be smooshed.

"Other than that you look great." Ruth says, surveying the pictures.

"She looks lovely." Lily insists. "It's like you're Cinderella!"

"Yea, when's midnight coming so all this will stop?" I ask, sitting down beside them. We're in the room set aside for students who want to come in and do their homework early. Which means it is empty.

Lily sighs, putting down her paper stack, "Okay, I have to go. We're running try outs for basketball cheer season this week so I have to set up everything. I'll see you guys at lunch?"

"Yea, have fun cheering." Ruth says.

"Don't fall on your head!" this is how I typically send her off to cheer practice. It's worked so far. No injuries to the head.

After Lily leaves, Ruth pulls out one magazine that I find annoying. With an article written by Jessie Cue. "I was saving this from Lily. But, take a look."

I sigh and look over the words printed next to the face of the woman who watched Hal and me like a hawk on Friday.

"Hal's new romance is certainly a surprise to us all. The girl, Katharine, is a far cry from his usual arm candy. She stumbles in heels and would rather eat a cheeseburger than any five-star dish. As the debate rages on whether or not this is a real Cinderella story, or just some sort of game, I can argue for both sides. Katharine is not like Hal's normal girls. She does not seem to revel in publicity or enjoy having her picture snapped. Maybe she really likes him? She also seems completely repulsed at the thought of having to touch him, standing nearly two feet away from during dancing, and never returning his physical affections. Maybe she's shy. Or she doesn't really like him. Hal doesn't seem too eager to push their physical relationship either, limiting their touches to hand holding and a forehead kiss or two. Maybe he respects her? Or maybe he isn't attracted to her. Time will tell. For now, we're all enjoying the show of young love... or something like it."

"No wonder Hal doesn't like that woman." I say, throwing down the article. "What does she know?"

"Seems like she knows an awful lot." Ruth says. "You need to step up your game, Katie."

"What, like, jump him in public or something?"

"No! Don't make us vomit. Just... act like you like him. You know, grab his arm, kiss him, bat your eye lashes."

"Uggh. I'm not about to act like some stupid damsel in distress to convince people that Hal and I are dating."

"You can still be you Katie. Just try it, okay?"

"I'll try." I promise weakly, grabbing the papers as the warning bell rings. "I'll see you at lunch."

"Don't forget we're running the mile in gym today."

I groan again. "Who's idea was that?" I yell as I run to homeroom.

I can feel Audrey's eyes on me during English. Finally, I whip my head around and stare at her. She's glaring. I don't have the courage to smile because my head is thinking about gym and the torture that means. I turn back around.

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