Chapter 18

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I wake up on Christmas Eve and am not excited. Normally, I love Christmas. This year, Christmas means a function.

From the minute my feet hit the floor, I am being prepped for the ball. I have to bathe, my hair has to be done, my make-up, and so forth until some time before we have to leave I'm dressed and ready to go with nothing to do but wander around the house.

I walk past a floor length mirror and stare at myself for a moment. I can hardly believe that the girl is me. I would never be caught dead in a sparkly blue ball gown with my hair done in a twist, looking more like a pageant girl than a musician. I feel even stranger at my lack of revulsion over the look. I sort of, kind of, maybe like it. Not love it, or anything. But it feels sort of nice to look sort of nice, instead of my usual look meant to separate my artistic soul from the consumerism of America.

I find Hal in the library again, lounging against a window in a tux, looking stupidly handsome.

"Hey." I break silence.

He looks up from his book, "Hey." He then wrinkles his nose. That same look he had the night of our first date. The look that makes me want to crawl in a hole somewhere.

"What's wrong?" I ask, looking at myself. I can ask since his mother isn't there offering us a hotel room.

He shrugs, "I don't... never mind. Nothing. You ready?"

I frown, "Yea."

He walks past me without really giving me another look. I don't know why, but it makes me stomach do this jerk thing that kind of hurts. I feel the sudden urge to make him stay and talk to me. I want him to want me... or to talk to me. "Thanks for the shoes." I say.

He stops and turns around, giving me a grin. I lift up my dress to show him my rebellious foot fashion for the night: no stilettos for me!

He smiles a bit bigger, "I didn't want you falling all over the place. I think they look good with the dress."


"No. But they look like you. That's what looks good."

I turn a bit (or maybe a lot) red and walk after him as we head to the foyer to meet his Grandma.

The ride to the club is tense and quiet. Grumpy breaks the silence as we pull up, "Do not do anything to embarrass this family, Katharine. You are to be as quiet and as unnoticeable as possible. In fact, if you can get through the night with no one seeing you, I will consider it an accomplishment."

"Why did you even bring me?" I ask, horrified.

"A lady knows how to weave in a crowd unnoticed."

"I'm a girl in a poofy dress, not James Bond."

"A lady also respects her elders, but clearly that's a lesson you've yet to learn."

I sigh and lean back. I hate it when crabby adults throw that respect thing in your face. We climb out of the car and I let Hal lead me into the building which is all decorated like Christmas, although I'm having a hard time understanding Christmas when it's so warm outside.

We get into the ball room and I stop short. Inside are twelve huge Christmas trees, covered from top to bottom with orchid. Orchids. The death flowers.

"What's up?" Hal asks, tugging on my arm.

"I'm allergic to orchids." I hiss at him.

"Come on, it won't be that bad."

He thinks I'm kidding to get out of the ball. This is no joke my friend. Grumpy turns around and shoots us a glare and Hal drags me further into the room. I wonder how long until I start sneezing.

Note to self: learn social skillsWhere stories live. Discover now