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NicoMakiLover asks: What do you like the most about Eli? What is your favorite muse song? What is your favorite mini idol unit?

Eh? Three questions in one? Hmm. Alrighty then~

What I like about Elicchi? Well, those blue eyes of hers is just— ❤️ And of course, her silly moments too. The times when I get a glimpse of the cute little Elichika-chan <3

Eli: Nozomi... I can hear everything.
( ̄Д ̄)ノ

Ehehe. I know Elicchi.  So next is.. My favorite song of us? Well.. I don't really have a favorite because I love all of them. ❤️

And my favorite mini idol unit? Well I'd say I love it all 'cause all muse members are so cute. ❤️ I'd love to stare at them every time they sing but that's hard because I'm on stage too. So.. Yeah. 😊

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