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ConGHuanNguyen10 asks: "What would you react if I tell you KanaMari are actually you and Eli's daughters?"


Eli: It didn't mean biologically Nozomi...

O-Oh. Yeah right. So umm, do you mean because we have the same features and personality? If yes, hmmm... I did my research and I found that Mari-san knows my technique too~ ehehehe..

Eli: Poor Kanan-san..

Then I guess Mari-san got her attitude from me and Kanan-san is from Elicchi? :D Awwwww Elicchi we should really meet them soon.

Eli: We're in Tokyo Nozomi. Besides, they're probably busy too.

But don't you want to meet our 'daughters'? ^_^

Eli: *facepalmed*

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