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YazawaMaki asks: "Eh? I thought Nico is your daughter XD. Anyways. What would you do if Eli went back to Russia for good?"

Ehehe~ Nicocchi will always be our daughter. But she now has Maki-chan.

Nico: I-I'm not your daughter! And s-stop that thing with Maki!

Maki: *facepalmed*

Eh, why~? Hehe. Anyways, with the other question, hmmm, well then I guess I'll just have to come with her right? I can't let Elicchi leave without me.

Umi: But what if you're not allowed?

Rin: What if Eli-chan didn't told you she's leaving nya?"

E-Eh? *teary eyed* E-Elicchi, y-you...

Eli: Gosh Nozomi don't cry. *pats head* I'm not going anywhere.


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