Chapter 4~ Leaving The Old, Exploring The New

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A/N: Hey guys, the picture above is Lena's house! Also quick shout out to dinosaurs023 & Vocaloidpatches because they have been so supportive!!

I woke up in my tear stained bed, missing every part of my life, my life before I got this 'gift'. I rolled over, looking at my clock, 2:59 am, I had 4 more hours till I could go over to Matt's to say goodbye. Forever.

I heard my phone buzz, I stretched out and grabbed it. The caller ID, unknown, I cautiously pressed answer and put the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I asked in a shaky voice. "Lena, we heard about your mother, we would like to pick you up and take you in" Fox's voice sounded through the phone.

I took a minute to reply, I thought about Matt, if I went with Fox and Derek, I would be missing, and Matt would lose me, just like he lost Julia. "Sure" I coughed after a long pause. I heard chatter on the other end, probably Derek and Fox discussing what to do with me. "Perfect we will be there in 4 hours, be packed" Fox said quickly.

After Fox hung up I put down my phone and began to get out of bed. My body struggled to get up, so I forced myself, with every little piece of energy I have left. I swing my feet over the edge and plant them on the ground.

I made my way downstairs and to the kitchen. I put on some coffee, grabbed a bowl out of the cupboard, and grabbed a box of Cheerios from the pantry. I sat down and poured the Cheerios in my bowl. Without milk or a spoon I began munching on my unsatisfing breakfast. The coffee machine beeped and I got up and poured myself a cup of coffee.

A few minutes later of siting in silence I reached for my phone. I dialed Matt's number and pressed call. The phone rang a few times till his voicemail came on, his cute voice said to leave him a message after the beep. "Hey Matt, it's me, Lena, um so I'm leaving for a while, I'm not sure how long, I promise to call you when I get back some day" I spoke into the quite phone then quickly hung up.

I sighed heavily, placing my hand on my forehead, I'm leaving, and if I don't come back what will Matt do? I shook off any of my thoughts and started to head back upstairs. I got to my room and grabbed some black tights and a red plade shirt. I also grabbed my suit case from the bottom of my closet. I packed up all my things, from my clothes to my shoes.

The doorbell rang, causing me to jump. I grabbed my suitcase and rushed downstairs. I opened up the front door to see Fox and Derek standing in the doorway. "Are you ready?" Derek said, rubbing his shoulder in the sling. I nodded and stepped outside, closing the door behind me.

Fox and Derek lead me down the front steps to their black SUV. I threw my suitcase into the trunk then hopped into the back seat. Fox got into the drivers seat while Derek went off to do something. We sat in silence till I heard a knock on the car door. I rolled down my window to see Matt. "Were are you going Lena?" He slurred his words, as if he has been drinking. "I told you Matt, I'm leaving, just leave me alone" I cried out the window. He stumbled around then fell to the ground. Derek shook his head, "Underaged drinking". Tears stung the corners of my eyes, if Matt drank alcohol now, he could easily become a alcoholic without me here. I was his shoulder to lean on, and I backed away.


After a hour of driving in silence I caved in, breaking down into tears. Fox and Derek pulled the car over, worried for me. "Are you okay?" Fox asked, concerned. I nodded my head, rubbing off the fact I just had a total melt down in a car. Derek handed me a bottle of water, patting my back as if I was a baby crying for food.

Shortly after the pit stop we got onto the road again. Then we got to the CIA headquarters. I pulled my suitcase out of the trunk, and began to drag it behind me as Fox and Derek lead me into the huge building. They took me into a elevator, and pressed, B. I looked around, why would we go to the basement? Aren't all the offices above the main floor?

The elevator doors opened, revealing a crappy little room with files everywhere, two desks, and a crappy little vending machine in the far corner. I stepped out of the elevator and began to laugh. Fox and Derek stepped pasted me, Derek turning around to look at me. "What's funny" he asked. I wiped my eye from the tears of laughter, "Just, this place, it's a mess and it's in the basement". Derek crossed his arms, not amused by my laughter. He walked away, rolling his eyes at me.

After a quick recovery of my laugh attack I stood up straight and walked further into the basement office. I walked past the two desks that Derek and Fox worked at, turned the corner, and passed piles of files that haven't been touched in centuries. I neared a door, I rushed up to it and jiggled the handle, nothing. I swept the dust off the door window with my hand, it read FILE ROOM. Like I wasn't already in a file room. I jiggled the handle one more time, it quietly opened.

I slipped in, closing the door behind me. Rows upon rows of file cabinets lied in front of me. I took a step, then another, going deeper into the room that seemed as if it went on forever. I stopped at a cabinet with the letter L.C, my initials. I opened up the drawer to see one singular file sitting in the bottom of the drawer. I picked it up, to see what could be inside. Slowly I opened it up and a piece of paper sat there. I set the file down and picked up the paper.

Curtianas, Lena~Born March 14th 2000~ Date written April 12th 2004

Case; 2376

Problem; Behaviour of a telepathic being at age 4. Unusual in children but can be very serious, action must be taken before age 17 or else the being might be unable to control their power. Must be taught how to function their powers. Also suggested that the being must be watched under a close eye or else powers might be used for unlawful reasons.

What? I've been here before. Which means it's no coincidence that Fox and Derek were watching me. What are they going to do with me? Tests? Or worse? "LENA!" I heard Fox scream. I turned around to see Fox standing in the doorway, arms crossed. I let out a nervous laugh, trying to hide the paper behind my back.

Hey guys, sorry for no updates as SweetnessInTheSalt knows I've been really busy. So I hope you liked this chapter even though it might be all over the place. I'll try really hard to update soon! So stay tuned, also thanks for over 100 views like oh my god, and it's only the fourth chapter!

Till next time


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