Chapter 2~ Men Outside The Window

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A/N: The picture above is Fox, one of the CIA agents. Also I'm not quite sure what is going on but the cast for this isn't showing up, so I'll try and get that to work but.......I will try and get that up soon.

I closed the door once Matt got into his house. He ran past me, locking and bolting the door, to the kitchen which smelt like baked goods. Matt obviously didn't notice me, leaning against the door, just making sure no one comes to it. "Yo Lena, my mom left out pizza for lunch" Matt called out from the kitchen. I put on a straight face and walked forward into the kitchen to meet up with Matt.

I walked into the kitchen where Matt already got plates out for the pizza. I opened up the box that held the extra large pizza. I took a slice and shoved half in my mouth. "Pig" Matt laughed shoving me over so he can reach the pizza box. I left my plate behind and walked on over to the couch. I clicked on the TV, flipping through the channels. I stopped on My 600 pound life, cringing at the guy trying to get out of bed. "That will be you if you keep eating like you are now" Matt said, walking into the living room as I shoved the last piece of my pizza in my mouth. I snorted laughing at Matt's stupid comment. He laughed along with me till the doorbell rang.

Matt slowly got up from the couch, inching his way to the door. He opened it, "Hello, I'm agent Fox Mulder" one voice said. "And I'm agent Derek Morgan" another said. I sank into the couch, trying to keep quite. "Can we come in" I think Fox asked. Matt shook his head, "I'm sorry my girlfriend passed out on the couch and I don't want to wake her". Wait. Did he call me his girlfriend he has never once called me that. A awkward silence built it's way up till Derek said something, "Okay, we will come back later". With that footsteps trailed away and a car engine started.

Matt closed the door and jumped onto the couch next to me. "That was strange, they weren't the police or anything, they were CIA" he laughed as if it's nothing. A lump formed in my throat and butterflies flied all around in my stomach. Sweat began to pool in my pores, "Cool" I lied, hoping it wouldn't show. Matt cuddled close to me, nuzzling his head into my shoulder, "That was scary" he spoke into me. I nodded my head, I guess it would be scary to see the CIA come to your door, asking questions, around here no one asked questions, not even the police.

We hung out watching Hoarders and Intervention all day till noon. "Let's go back" I whispered as a brand new show began to start. Matt reached up to me, gripping my chin with his fingertips, looking into my in the eyes, "Why, whats going on?". Sweat made its way out of my body, making my forehead wet, "Nothing" I chocked. Matt noticed my lie, "Hey if it's about those CIA guys don't worry about them, all they wanted was to ask questions and I know they won't come back here". He hugged my neck as I stood up to get my things together. I knew I can trust Matt, but if I where to tell him about what I can do, (which I don't even know what I can do), he would be in danger.

I grabbed my backpack, swinging it over my shoulder. I reached for the door knob when something caught my eye. Through the gap in the curtains showed the black SUV, still parked, with the CIA agents inside, waiting and watching.

Matt came up behind my, trying to reach for the door. I swung around, grabbing Matt's hand as I did so. "Let's take your car, it will be faster' I spook cheerily. Matt rolled his hazel eyes, "Fine, let's go out back". Matt lead the way to the back of his house, opening the back door for me.

I hopped into the beaten up Chevrolet and pulled the seat-belt on. He started up the engine, backing out of the dirt patch that he considered a parking spot. Matt drove up and out of the back lane. We passed the CIA agents without them noticing. A tidal wave of relief hit me, I instantly calmed down.

Matt and I got to school, he parked the car and we raced into the school. The bell rang just as we stepped inside, which meant we weren't going to get in trouble. I skipped on over to my locker opening it quickly so I can but my stuff in and get to Mr. Howie's class.

I made it into his class just as he started to take attendance. He began his lesson on the war, I forgot which one. I tuned out his sarcastic voice and looked out the window, only to see what I've been running from. There stood the CIA agents, unnoticeable to anyone else in my class. One had deep dark brown hair, the other was bald, they both are wearing the exact same suits, shoes, and sunglasses. I let out a gasp. How could they have ever known that Matt and I left? "Lena" Mr. Howie yelled at me, snapping me back into the real world. "Yes" I smiled, acting it off like I was paying attention. "Office now, your mom is sick" he called out. My heart dropped, how could my mom be sick, what did she do?

I gathered up all my things and ran past Mr. Howie, who still held the phone in his hand. I didn't slow down till I reached the office. "What happened, where is my mom" I yelled into the office. They all looked dumbfounded at my yelling. "Your mother is not sick, we just needed a excuse to question you Miss. Curtianas" a deep voice whispered into my ear. I turned around to see the two CIA agents, towering over me. I can't scream, my voice didn't come out. "Would you mind us taking you in for a few questions?" the bald one asked, Derek I think? I tried to shake my head but it's frozen in place. They nodded at each other and lead me out of the office, books still in my hands.

They lead my outside to the black SUV. I want to shout, I want to leave and hide inside the school, but my body just kept going, before I could do anything, I'm in the car.

A/N: Hey guys, They took Lena!!!!!! And might I add they where stalking her almost. So if you don't know who Fox Mulder and Derek Morgan are from (the shows) I'll tell you. Fox Mulder is a character in the X-files and the actor is David Duchovny (also who I casted as agent Fox for this book). Derek Morgan is from Criminal Minds and the actor who plays the role is Shermar Moore (again who I casted as agent Derek for this book). Anyway don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me for updates!


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