Chapter 4

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Camilla MM

This Day
I felt stupid as hell seeing them see me with this hoe. I through her off of me and got her clothes and threw her out the car. I fixed myself then sped off. I got home and took a long ass shower and got in the bed. Then I got a text from Anthony hoe ass. I don't fuck with him no more over some shit with a girl but I don't care anymore.
*Text Convo*
Ant:Nigga meet me at my house
Me:Nigga its 12:00 at night tf u mean
Ant:come on
*End of Convo*
I took a deep breath then got up. I threw on a white T then some sweats. I grabbed my phone and keys then hopped in my car. As I was driving to Anthony house I thought about Lexi and her walking with Ant. I shook the thought off and drove infront of Anthony house. I hopped out and grabbed my gun from the back just in case. I put it in my pants then jogged up to his door. I banged on his door.

"Wassup Nigga" I said glaring at him. He let me in then shut and locked the door."So wassup with you and Lexi". I said. "Fuck u mean wassup with me and her" he said annoyed."Nigga u can calm the fuck down with that attitude my nigga" I said getting in his face."Nigga back the fuck up" he said pushing me."You wasn't saying that shit when you took Serenity from me" he said."Man fuck you and that gold digging hoe." I said pulling my gun out on him."Shit..we pulling guns on each other now" he said pulling out his. "Nigga it is what it is I never liked yo sneaky ass" I said pointing it towards his head."Naw nigga u mad about something else..its deeper is it yo daddy? You mad I had one and you didn't?" He said pointing it towards my head. I sneered my nose at him as I clenched my jaw. Next thing I know

I woke out of my sleep. As my phone rung. I yawned and looked at the time on my clock that read 3:30 am. I scrunched my face up and answered my phone.
*Phone Convo*
??:Lexi..LEXI (crying)
Me:Camilla what's wrong
Milla:Its Anthony(crying)
Me:Milla what's wrong with Anthony
Milla:Dead....Lexi...he's dead(crying even harder) no..he can't be
Milla:A neighbor heard two male voices arguing so she called the police..before they got there she heard a gun shots go off. Police got there and found Anthony on the ground bleeding..he died at the hospital.
Me:(Dial tone)
*End of Convo*
I hung up and stared at the wall. "AGHHHH" I yelled as I threw my phone at the wall. I broke down in tears. I hit my head with my hands as I screamed at myself. Anthony...Anthony...Anthony...Anthony..was the last thing I said before I saw complete darkness.

I was crying my eyes out as I got off of the phone with Lexi. I was worried about her so I got dressed and grabbed my phone and keys and ran out of my house. I was driving 100 miles per hour to her house. Once I got there I saw her house was empty. All the lights were off. I got my spare key and opened her door. I walked in and went upstairs to her room. I saw her passed out on the floor. I ran to the medicine cabinet and grabbed her medicine for when shes overwhelmed. I grabbed the water on her night stand then sat her up on my arm. I put the medicine in her mouth then put the water in her mouth to push it down. She swallowed then opened her eyes.

"Oh my gosh Lexi are you ok?" I asked worried."Yeah I'm fine Milla..I just couldn't accept that my best friend had...died" she said as tears ran down her cheek."Shhh its ok I know I'm hurting too" I said as I hugged her close."I just can't take it you know?" she said still crying. "I know baby I know" I said. We sat there and cried together. Until we fell asleep. I truly love my best friend.

1 month later......

I was walking through the halls with Lexi as girls gave us dirty looks as usual. Its always just been me and Lexi not really anyone else was our friends. They always envied me because of my body. They envied Lexi because she was cool with...Anthony. We still are hurting even though its been a month. But we spoke at his funeral and kissed his casket. Then walked out. His mama was going crazy. Me and Lexi calls her every other day. She keeps us even closer now that Anthony is gone. But as of right now I'm very happy that Lexi lives with me. My mom is her guardian. She took her from Lexi's mom. She went to court and of course Lexi mom loss. So she lives with us. Her sisters are trying to be all nice now,because they know that my family has money and they want some. But Lexi just blows them off. We'll be graduating next month so we're super excited. Also our prom is in 3 weeks so we excited for that too. But we're walking the halls as of right now on our way out the door. As soon as we made it out the door. Guess who we see......

Camilla explained everything already so yeah. But right now we about to go home. Well we thought until we saw....

This bitch gone act like she don't know us like she don't wanna see us. I see she with her "sister" she gotta remember who her real family is. We will beat her ass. I'm so happy Anthony died. I always tried to get with him but he was acting like he didn't want me so there you go. But hey..I don't care I want Julian now. But he to focused on that skinny bitch like that night wasn't even there or happened. Yup now y'all know who it is Keloniiiii bitchess. And I want revenge. I'm just gone grim these bitches as they walk pass.

"Is there a fucking problem ugly bitch?!" her "sister" yelled."Not at all honey, right Armoni" I asked Armoni as she grimmed Lexi." Armoni you know the fucking deal I use to beat your ass before Keloni and momma use to jump in" Lexi yelled. Armoni just mugged her before shaking her head at me. I could tell Lexi was right because Armoni got in the car without saying a word. I laughed as I got in the drivers seat. As we pulled off we rolled past them. "Watch y'all back bitches" I yelled as I drove off.
Revenge is gonna be a believe.

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