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-The days after Kara Furu Sentai rescued the girl from the Washu home have been peaceful... they still helped the people around the neighborhood with errands. But no disasters or serious crimes were committed so-

"Alright!" Rei stated "There's nothing happening on the Forecast,know what that means!?" "Forecast?" asked Faire. Miya happily told him "The Disaster Forecast is a machine that (based on the past and presents) crimes and details on the planet, can predict the rate  of disasters that'll happen. It uses a 3-7 day forecast showing villain's crime activity and natural (and man made) disasters for the next 4 weeks...if it's dark the planet'll suffer...if it's bright we get a break for a few weeks!". Miya smiled happily "We have to be alert for crimes, but still it's like being completely free!" "That means it's finally break time!" Rei cheered. "And we can go on a shopping spree!!!" Miya cheered after him. Rei and Mac looked freaked out and stared in fear, thinking of lie....."Uhhhhhh...." Rei started "me...and Mac...hafta do somethin' for somebody...and something.....". "Ah c'mon!" Miya yelled "This is the only day IT happens..." Rei, scared of where she wanted to go thought a plan up fast "uh,why don't you take Faire instead? he wouldn't mind going!" "I don't wanna go with him,he's strange and creepy looking!". Faire thought to himself "I hate it when people decide things for you,WHILE YOU'RE IN THE ROOM". -later- Faire walked behind Miya on the Annual Robot Expo grounds,Miya thought as she turned to see Faire working on his tablet oblivious to everything going on around him..."Why did I get stuck with him? He's too quiet:it makes this feel creepy,and he dressed so frumpy too". She looked at his collared buttoned up shirt: it was wrinkled and the collar was bent. "At least his hair still silverish" she looked at his head,his eyebrows and hair were still silver colored, and slowly turning back pale blond.  "Maybe people'll think I'm with someone cool " She thought hopefully... then she look depressed until they started getting closer to the expo grounds! "I won't let him mess this up for me!" She thought with fierce determination. "Today is the day of the annual robot expo! And it's right by the mall too!" She started smiling "I can see all the latest robot designs and shop as much as I can afterwards! It's so hard to be in love robotics: my dream! and to also be obsessed with clothes! I can't control my need for both!". She then noticed "It's like it's made for people to attend when it's break time for the hero association!". Miya then remembered: "ever since I was little I wanted to create robots,I joined KFS to work on them but... since we don't make alot of money for parts and tools,I can't even customize Windo or our suits!". She started to look serious "I could ask for money but I want to do this without help!". Miya saw they arrived at the expo gate! She turned excited and and happily stated "Hey Faire look!!! It's..." (Faire looks up to see why she shouted so suddenly) "The 70th annual Robot Expo!!! it's the oldest expo to import robots from everywhere in the entire world!" She happily added as they walked in "every scientist from all over the planet comes here to show off!" "Awesome" Faire said with a tense stare "What?" Miya asked annoyed. "Since I was given Yuri: she's been defective so much, she does whatever she want any moment and time. I'm kinda afraid to see what might happen if robots become were like her....". "But you still keep her....." Miya thought annoyed, then she smiles and tries to calm Faire saying "Every machine is required to have a chip that's connected to the Disaster forecast, which also doubles as a device that sends patches to fix any malfunctions and damage to keep disasters from happening".  Miya remembered the Washu home and kid...."Some have defects that keeps them from working correctly or sometimes they don't have a chip installed... but defects normally can't keep working without being repaired by the Forecast". Miya then stated "if it didn't cost so much we could buy one for your tablet", "Ok...." affirmed a wondering Faire... They then heard a loud voice that went around the whole lot from the speakers set everywhere. "Welcome everyone!" A man wearing a mic shouted "The Robot Expo's now starting! Please come in through the front or please leave if you don't have a pass!". Miya excitedly shouted "C'mon Faire!" Faire looked at her as she looked at him smiling, "Before now I could easily imagined seeing it..." Faire thought as look depressed "I can't now though...".  Faire then smiled as he looked at her running to the gate "I'm happy to even just have friends".  "He's..." Miya noticed  Faire as she ran into the crowd surrounding the podium "No...he staring at his tablet,but I feel as if someone's watching".   "Ladies and gentlemen!"The announcer shouted the narration "Welcome to the 70th Robot Expo!!! We have every robot from every continent in the world to show the latest in technology and science! We have merchindise too! but if you try to steal any...",  He looked at a guard staring at the crowd... "we have security robots everywhere:not all of these are just for show!". He looked back at the crowd laughing at the threat/ joke "But so we havn't offended any of our actual customers".   -Waiters walk up to the crowd giving out drinks and sandwiches-  "Please take some refreshments we get started!" Faire thought as he looked at a tray, he remembered how him and Pico did communion service at church. He remembered they always played with the juice: even though Faire tried to pay attention, Pico got him to play with him. One time he played with him and almost spilled juice on the people sitting in front of them!!! Pico (strangely) told him to sit down and stop playing! Faire looked angry at him, he frowned as he shook out of it "Wishy washy Pico". Faire then put the sandwich in his pocket then followed Miya through the expo. Miya thought to herself as she walked around the expo "There's no one  else my age who likes robots here... I'm the only one at the academy and at KFS...I'm completely alone with this. None of my friends from either wants to come...". She looked up and saw a robot she read about in flyers and Robot Expo's site! "She excitedly yelled at Faire turning him to see it! "It's HUNTER A.8 from australia!" Faire looked to see why she was so excited "It's equipped with all the military's weapons and can make a decision to kill it's target in 2 seconds upon seeing a animal! it's the fastest robot to distinguish human from animal bodies!" She then saw another one! Faire looked at Miya as she ran around telling him about every robot they passed "She loves this" he thought to himself as he watched her act more exciteable than normal. "She might be the only one who understands how I feel about my game:it's something really important to me,I can't help but work on it constantly". -Later-  Miya's face flushes to red after running around excited for half a day,"This was so exciting!" She exhaled smiling. "But it's over... Luckily I still get to go shopping!"  She cheered as she punched the air (showed off her Heart Robots shirt). "Awesome", "!!?"Miya turned surprised to hear Faire interested in the mall/anything she did that day. "I finished my game! It's done!" Faire said as he smiled. (He didn't get before,but he finally tested his game ironed out the glitches and finished it at the expo!) "Awesome" Miya sighed sarcastically. "Wait you can actually make games on that? I thought it was to defected to actually complete anything?". Yuri jumped out of the screen! then proudly stated "Master is so sweet: I used all my power to process it!". Miya smiled "Didn't he say once: he'll throw you through a window and stomp you if you didn't hurry and load?". Yuri smiled "He didn't mean it, he's actually very loving! He..." (Faire's trying to put her in sleep mode the whole time) "sleeps with all his devices in bed:even though he handles us roughly he treats us like we're organic!" She pulls a picture of his handhelds: "They can't speak, but I feel his other devices love him as I do!". "Oh, haha I'll get him to play with any faulty robots I make!" Miya laughed "He might get them to calm down and we can save money on repairing them!". "He could help them!" Yuri answered assuring her "Master may not seem like bit but he's actually..." She dropped into the tablet. "This is the reason I'm searching for other devices" Faire said as he put her in sleep. "Hahaha! she has alot of nice things to say about you" Miya smiled, "Yeah...." Faire looked stressed "No one will believe she's defected though,they'll think I set her to say that... no one'll believe it...". Miya laughed "When we get enough money we could fix the tablet"  she walked towards the mall laughing to herself,"It's funny that it acts like that when he threatens the thing! I wonder what kinda hologram he would pick if he could choose?...".  Miya's eyes sunddenly looks freaked out as she realizes "wait...he sleeps with the calls him master...", Miya turns toward Faire and yelled "Hey you better not try anything funny". Faire stared "....." "To make sure you don't ..." Miya walked behind Faire. "You be in front so I can watch you!" Faire walked to the mall thinking to himself "I'm glad to have friends now... even if they're strange, I'm happy even with the craziness. They care about what I'm thinking, no one cared before... Mom,Pico and Dad talked about me as if I was a thing... Who cares if Rei's annoying, if Mac's creepy or if Miya's crazy and Windo's freaky... wait a minute". Faire looked up realizing what had happened "The others never got mad outta no where, what the hell she's mad about?!!!!". "Faire look!" Miya chimed as Faire turned angrily, "it's the mall" Faire looked at the mall and focused on what she was saying. "This is the biggest mall in this state!" Miya looked annoyed once more..."but the manager is so cheap,it doesn't have slide doors. After being treated like royalty it sucks to come here, even though it's something as small as this, it's really annoying....". Faire grabbed the handle..."I know it's not import..." Miya looked surprised as she walked through the door, she looked surprised at Faire as he held the door open looking at his tablet. "No one ever opened a door for me before" She thought as she walked in "No one does for anyone, everyone's treated equally today since everyone can change their genders at anytime: There's no difference making no reason to treat anyone as a boy or girl...".  "I never felt this ...", Miya shook out of it thinking "No! I only stay with one man... but Rei never did this for me..." Miya wondering out loud as she turned and asked Faire "Faire you...why did you open it?". Faire looked scared (remembering her mood swing!). "I'm not angry, it's just no one else does that... why did you?" Miya asked. Faire answered "Because we were taught to... my sibling did it when I didn't to show off though...". "Oh" Miya thought  "Faire was taught this...".

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