Hero's Test

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-Days after the heroes started training for the Hero Test: some alarming news for Kara Fury Sentai cane up! The test was starting now! Usually they were called later on in the month, but now they were one of the first heroes to be called to the building!-

KFS and  other teams came up to the Hero Test Building: it was seemingly made of windows and had the reflection of the sky in it. Faire looked at the building, in awe at the tall structure. Rei turned and saw Faire thinking to himself... "Don't worry, It'll be easy!" Rei comforted him. "Yeah..." Faire thought "It'll be easy". They went inside, and looked around the building. Rei laughed as he remembered being there many times before, "This place is exciting every time we come here!", Mac added "Yeah, even though we only been here for a year this place feels nostalgic, yet exciting!". Faire thought as he looked around, "I have to do it... I have to! If I fail they'll kick me out." Faire watched as his friends talk as he thought "I can't be a burden to my team... I have to pass...". Faire remembered his family as he thought to himself "I can't go back even if I wanted to... they'll treat even worse if I come back, I remember when Pico tried leaving without telling our parents after a fight: They treat me even worse, I can't go back to that.". Faire started to worry "I don't want live on the streets and I can't stay in the academy without support... If I can't pass I wouldn't be able to stay with my only friends.". Faire watched them as he realized "That's why... I have to pass this" Faire started to make a fist... when he heard the person in charge of the waiting room. "Attention PowerCore is currently here, if you have any questions you can ask now". Every hero that floor ran up to the team as they stood in back to back in a circle, the red core: the team leader spoke up after everyone gathered around. "We have time for only 3 questions", every one started jumping and raising there hands, "ooh" "ooh" "Ahhhh!", Red core pointed to someone at his 3:00 "You there in the wife beater.". The hero asked "How was your last battle with Sei? Have you found what power he uses?". We're able to stop him because we're close, as for his power source our spy found out his source.", Pink Core spoke "Yes, We have found out he draws from a alternate power source. We suspect he may not use a normal suit as he changed clothes a lot, but we can't say for sure. We suspect he might have it him...". "2 more!" Red core stated, a hero in the back behind Faire and Rei raised his hand jumping. "You there" Red core said, pointing to him. The hero spoke "Why are you here at the hero test? Do S rank heroes have to keep taking the test too?", Red core smiled as he answered him, "Yes, all heroes are required by the academy qualifications to go to the Hero test building in their area and take it every test time. No matter where they are, they must make sure that they haven't hacked their suits or have any serious defects in them.". The Blue Core added "Yeah, we all have to make sure we're able to stay the best, but of course the best have a small amount of time to take the test as we are still needed in the field!". Red core then reminded them "One more question"... Rei raised his hand and jumped "Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh! oooooooh, Me me! ooh!" Red core pointed to him "You in front wearing the red jacket" Rei shook his fist in excitement, "Yeah!, How do you work so well together? When you fight, strike poses and your awesome suits!?". Red core looked surprised at the adolescent, "Oh someone has a different type of question... We really close as she stated earlier, so our teamwork comes naturally". Yellow core added giggling "Yeah... when we chose things like colors we kinda all chose something different, so everything went smoothly for our hero suits. Red core laughed as he agreed with her, "That's how out coordination work: our poses fighting and colors hahaha! all work because we're close individuals. We were close before and after this so we end up working together, knowing each others preferences and strengths and weaknesses. That's how everything turned out so smoothly, remember the closer you are: the easier it'll be to work together.". "Alright that's all the time we have today, we have to hurry!", the team walked out the door as everyone wave at them. The instructed then spoke " Alright, I hope that inspires you to do better... now everyone head to the room we specify in the emails we sent you, wait there until we alert you by device or by physically calling you. You can't stay together unless we give you the okay as we can't have friends distracting each other during the test.". Everyone started to there rooms, Faire was heading to where Yuri said until Miya came up to him, "Faire.. she asked nervously " Can I turn your tablet into a Hero Suit? I wanted to try making a Hero Suit before but, Rei and Mac already had theirs. And my family bought mine before I could get a chance to make it myself, I only got to customize it..." Faire looked a little nervous "Alright, but please make sure Yuri's ok: please don't erase her.". Miya happily jumped as he surprisingly let her hold Yuri, "Thanks! Don't worry, I won't erase her. I'll  make sure her core stays intact so she'll have everything backed up".  Miya took Yuri as she went away "You'll have a suit for WHEN you pass, you don't have nothing to worry about!", Faire gave a faint smile, "Thanks". Miya noticed it as she turned to her Hero Test waiting room, "He smiled... usually he only smiles with his mouth: but his eyes still look so sad. This time his face started changing as if he was going to smile completely. But he stopped it, I wonder what happened to him, to make stop himself  for smiling?". Meanwhile Faire was sitting in the waiting room by himself, worrying about if he can pass the test, "Hey Faire, hombre!" Cykle greeted as he walked up to his buddy, "Ya still waiting' for your test?". Faire answered as he looked up then back down "Yeah, this waiting's driving me crazy though..." , "Listen man" Cykle replied "When you do that test, just pretend ya doing it for fun. Then when ya do the part your good at: put everything you gave in it! as if you'll save everyone's life when ya pass that test!". Cykle smiled as he thought about his girlfriend "I pretend I'm doin' it for my sweet Foura chan when I do it!". "Cecillo Cero!" a announcer called Cykle to his test room, Cykle looked ticked off as he got up to leave "I hate it when people call me that?", Faire looked at his buddy "That's your name?" he asked. Cykle confessed to him "Yeah, I hate it. My team gave me the name Cykle since I'm tha cyclist on the team. I tried to keep my real name from Foura chan for a while...". Faire looked at him knowing the feeling, "Ah... I hate mine too, how you suppose to pronounce it sounds really girly...". Cykle looked at his buddy happy he knows how he feels "Sorry 'bout that man, I wish we both had parents who cared enough to know we have to actually live with these names.", he then turned to  go to his test room. "Later Amigo!" He waved at him as he ran to the room, Faire waved as he watched Cykle leave... Meanwhile in the Test room for scientists, Miya was sitting in a dark laboratory with many other heroes. Yuri was suspended in the air by a machine as the tablet was opened up below on a table, Miya was sitting there upgrading it to a Hero Suit. The only light in the room was the light from the devices and the lamps around the heroes working there. Yuri looked down at the table and saw Miya putting parts into her home... "Miya" Yuri asked in a sweet yet quiet voice "What is that?". Miya answered as she put in the parts and programmed them, "These are.... the receptors, sensors and response parts to help you know how to help, If he can't tell you change into the suit, you'll know to change from sensing his pulse and by touch." Yuri sounded excited as she thought aloud "I'll be able to feel when Master Faire Sama holds me?" she asked. "Yeah" Miya answered, you'll also be able to feel his pulse if he's freaking out. If he's in danger: you'll know when to transform to help him fight". Yuri looked around with the soft pink light glowing from her core and saw Miya putting in more metal... "What's that?" Yuri asked again, Miya told her "This is metal specially made for the Hero Suits: We experimented with metal for years until we turned it into a substance that we can force to be soft and harden at our will. When we need to transform, our devices can unwrap into a hero suit. And turn back, so can our weapons and anything else we customize our units with. The plastic parts of the tablet can also be treated like metal in this as long as it's attached to it. That's how our devices transform to suits and back easily without breaking or changing it's size!".  Yuri sounded excited as she spoke "Ah... that's how you guys transform, I can't wait to show Faire Sama!". Yuri then realized something (Since she and  Faire talked about it weeks before) "Can anyone else hear us?" Yuri asked "I just remembered if anyone hears me, they'll erase everything!", Miya laughed "I told them you were defective, they let defective machines work here! You don't have to worry, they can't find out YOU chose your settings and won't change them. Plus you can work here as you are,like Windo! As long you don't affect our performance". Yuri sighed " Oh.... thanks, I thought I was going to killed..." she then saw weapons being folded into the tablet "Ooh, what's those?" Yuri asked at her normal octave. Miya explained, "These are the KFS weapons, The stun bullets and Air jets. We might be the one of the only teams to use none violent weapons." Miya added "All teams can customize their on hero suits, ours is the only one here without anything that can kill". Yuri looked as Miya put in the last part... "Ooh! What's that!" Yuri asked excited, Miya spoke once more about the suit "This is the Full Hero Starter, it's the part that turns us into the full forms. As you saw when Rei, Mac and me fought: It sends electricity through us so we can directly use all the power in the suits. ONCE Faire passes the test, if he wants to take the full test then pass: you have to be careful, You can't turn off and come on when you feel like it like before. You have to do as Faire says, his life will be in your... hands. If you're unable to help him he could die! Please be careful when you a hero suit and in full hero mode.". Yuri looked at Miya as she thought out loud in a determined voice, "I'll help Faire Sama, I'll hold him tight and won't let anyone hurt him".  -Later after everyone else in KFS took their tests...-  Faire was still sitting on the bench worried about taking the test, he wandered if he was even could be called to take the test. A teen came up to him as sat in terror and worry, "You still waiting too?" he said. Faire looked up to see another hero talking to him with a leer, "They don't even treat whites right here". Faire answered "I'm not completely white..." the hero butted in "I see, you kinda look like static on old TV", Faire replied annoyed "I was trying to explain, my parents are from here and somewhere else: this is why me and my sibling look strange", Faire looked at the African/Japanese "to think of it, there aren't a lot of black or any darker color people here in spite of all the races that are here. Me, a nurse, you and a friend I know are the only darker colored people I seen here". The guy answered "Yeah, you're right: There aren't too many of us here, it's like they turn down most of certain races that apply here.", "I know" Faire stated angrily "but they would let a bunch of others... in here that consider altering themselves as a race" he shivered, The teen smiled as he reached out to shake his hand "you alright..." "Faire", "Faire? Never mind, my names Bary. I like how you think man: a lot of people these days are either too afraid or okay with everything that goes on here, even talking to my friends gets kinda weird.". Bary looked as his device turned on alerting him of his hero test, "Yo man,I gotta go. See ya later buddy!" he said as he jogged to his room, Faire wondered as he waved back, "Why are we friends? Faire thought about everyone he somehow befriended, when he heard Rei: "Faire!" he yelled as he ran up to him with a team. "Hey man!" Cykle smiled as he ran up with them. "Hey" Faire greeted them as he looked up, Rei explained "This tha team Autohoshi! , see remember Gio from that hospital?". Gio spoke as after his intro "Yeah, I know ya already know Cykle too!". Cycle smiled as he was excited about the news they were about to tell him!. "And this right here is Jiraya", Gio pointed to a strange looking long haired guy to the side, "Yo man" Jiraya greeted. He then pointed to the big muscular man in the middle of the group, "And last but not least, this is Opti! our leader!". "Hello Mr Crys" greeted Opti in a really deep voice, Rei spoke as Gio finished introducing everyone: "They wanted ta know if we could help out with their next mission after you pass tha test!". Gio added "Yeah, our rivals: The Deceptions, haven't did anything... even during alert time, they didn't do anything. Normally during alert time they attack, and many people are injured in our fights. This time they've been REALLY quiet, if they have a dangerous plan ready: I think we'll need help to keep any bystanders from being killed. That's why we asked Rei to help us fight once you pass.". Faire looked as they stared for a long time... "No I wasn't called for my test yet",  "Oh..." Gio sighed "I hope you pass it, I know it's serious but I'm getting excited to work with you guys too". "Yes" Opti added "Gio and Cecillo have been talking about working with your team ever since he realized we needed help". Cykle angrily interrupted "Don't call me Cecillo, Ya know I hate that name!". Opti finished "Once you pass, we await your cooperation with great anticipation,"He turned to the exit "Autos, move out!". Rei turned to Faire as he got ready to go, "Don't worry Faire, ya can pass it. When they call ya tell me so we can watch!", Rei was about to go find everyone when... "Faire Crys!" "!!!" Faire and Rei turned in surprise as they heard his name being called, "Awesome you go ahead, I'mma call everybody!" Rei yelled. Faire went into the room for new heroes, a small handful of heroes and teams were in there. The room had padded walls and one wall was made out of the windows they could see from the outside of the building, the rest of the team ran in afterwards, Miya ran up to Faire, "hey... listen I've finished, but you can't see your tablet until after the test. She's over there". Miya pointed to table that had slots dividing each device, Yuri popped up and waved quietly whispering "Hi! Faire Sama! You can do this!". Meanwhile Rei and Mac convinced the instructor to let them watch, the instructor then turned to Faire and the other new heroes. "Alright we'll start the test, after the intelligence test: go to the dressing room." After Faire did the test he was bought to the room and had to dress in the suit for the physical part, "I hate this, I like wearing shirts even when it was hot back home, my sibling is the one who didn't mind taking off his shirt or wearing unbuttoned shirts during summer.". Yuri whispered to Faire "But Master Faire, you look good with your lean muscle". The instructor then said to everyone, "It's time to start the tests!" Faire and every other newbie, did consecutive side jumps for 30 seconds, 1500 meter run, Weight lifting, Shot put, whack-a-mole, Punching bag machine and squats. After the test the instructors called out the names of everyone who passed: Bahia, Erin,Atricia,Crys,Black,Stevens and Heavins... you all passed!", Faire looked in wonder as he tired still tired faster than what he thought he would. "I passed?!" he thought out loud, (He saw his results showed he barely passed the test) his friends and team ran to him. They embraced the new member and official hero! "Ya did it Faire!" Rei said excited "You're finally a official member! Don't worry this gets even easier after you use your suit: it has the same affect on your body those exercise machines years ago supposed to do!". A instructor came up while everyone was talking, "How bout you, everyone else declined... Crys are you going to take the full test? it's optional and the test may injure you, but you'll be able to use the suits full power". Rei smiled as  he comforted Faire, "Ya don't have to take it, it's awesome you became a hero: you don't have to push it!", Faire looked and remembered something important, then replied "When my homeroom teacher mentioned everyone that passed the test, our team was one of the few people here that passed it: I won't be the one who drops our position.". Everyone looked in shock as Faire agreed to do the Full Test, KFS then embraced Faire excitedly "Awesome! Ya sound like hero already" Rei proudly cheered, "Alright!" Miya smiled, Mac ruffled his hair "Perfect! Don't let us down mate!". Everybody sat down as a instructor gave Faire Yuri, Faire looked at her as he remembered how to activate the suit, "I should of changed her name, this'll be my hero name once I transform...".  "Mr. Crys you may put on your suit now" a instructor shouted, Miya looked in nervousness as she programmed it: Yuri could transform with just a touch, but she was waiting... Faire thought as he started to say the command for the transformation "I have to pretend, I'm already a hero. and I need to transform to save everyone.". He then said in a calm low voice: "Yuri" A purple blue light flashed! Electricity flew everywhere as the power from the fresh transformation pushed everyone back! Everyone shielded their eyes as the blinding light glowed brighter, then the electric crackling got softer as the light left. Faire stood there as a hero:covered in black armor. Smoke rose from it as Faire stood in his hero suit. He saw the color ..."I wish I coulda had red, but I know I can't now", he thought as he remembered Rei's suit. Rei looked in awe "Frickin' awesome!!!! he shouted, Miya sighed relieved "I can't believe it actually works! I was scared he was dead when that electric burst shot everywhere!", Mac looked at Faire then whispered to them, "I hope he's alright:he could be fried in the suit...". The instructor looked and stated to his freaked coworker, "That electricity happens from new suits, that's why usually people first try them out in secluded places... but it's working well: It's normal for this to happen especially when turned on for Full mode it's first time". The instructor turned on a machine, the wireless signal turned on the Full power. Electricity went through Faire and surrounded him, he felt alot of familiar electric pain through his body. Faire thought as he watched "What do I try? If I hit one the targets it wouldn't help: I didn't get much stronger, and I didn't get as fast as people who trained on track before this. Even if I tried using any of the weapons or the Air jets I haven't practiced with those either, this will seem like I wasted everybody's time if I can't do anything in particular". Faire then heard a voice "Faire Sama" Yuri spoke "I already came up with a move... relax as you do when you forget everything... everything bad doesn't matter, when you're happy". Faire cleared his mind as she continued to help "point in the direction you want, and think of what you want the most". Electricity launched through the target, incinerating it and blasting the window open! Outside the sky turned black as the light from the blast brighten the area around the Hero Test building, many people looked up as the light was so bright and gave a warm sensation. Faire stood as the blast finally disappeared, he open his eyes as if he left from a dream: he felt his face heated as he saw the destruction in front of him. The instructors pressed something on the consoles in the room as one started type "A electro master...", alright let's see how far you can go with the power: then we'll know how to rank you". Turrets with beanbag pellets rose from the floor then aimed at Faire, Faire looked freaked until Yuri spoke again, "Don't worry Master, I can do this!". Faire stood as he repeated what she said, "I'm ready". They shot at him as KFS watched in suspense! , a field stopped all the pellets! (Everyone was surprised as it was strange to be unable to see a electric field enimating from a hero suit!) The instructer then turned to KFS, "do you want to help?". "Yeah!" Rei shouted agreeing before talking to his team first, Mac and Miya put on Gold and Pearl... Rei smiled with his arms outstretched ready, for the test! Miya turned shocked and asked "Rei what're ya doing? I know he made a barrier but this is still his first time!", Mac added while he covered his face "Yeah, if he can't, those'll hurt alot buddy!". Rei smiled as he waited "I have faith Faire will stop the pellets!!". The instructor turned on the turrets, Yuri stopped the pellets as Rei smiled wider! The instructor spoke as he stood up "looks like they got a priest", the other laughed as he stood up "no they call them... white mages". They walked up to the team as he talked "Yeah... a healer type like in the games: Now they have a full team! The Hero, The Warrior, Wizard, Sniper and a Cleric... healer or what ever they call 'em." The team embraced Faire once more as he thought "I always liked being the priest, when I played rpgs (even though I hate those type of games) now I actually am one!". Meanwhile as they celebrated... miles away from the Hero Academy... Windo: covered in blood, looked up at the building's direction. The sky was dark but started light back up, She buzzed as she stood in the destroyed battleground "FAIRE SAN HAS PASSED THE HERO TEST... I MUST HURRY BACK"...

To be continued...




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