Them, Yourself and I

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-Kara Furu Sentai has successfully completed their mission, and has went to the beach to celebrate! They now try to spend their time relaxing, before break time starts. And their academy starts again.-

Rei, Mac, Miya and Windo all walk into a Kansos zoo, they excitedly look around at all the people and animals there. Rei happily yelled "Finally! We're at the zoo! I haven't been here since I was, in the Cross adoption center!". He then folds his arms, as his tone changed a little "I wish Faire was here... but he had that surveillance mission...", Miya chimed smiling "We could get him a souvenir!?". Rei smiled "I know... but I wish he could've been here...", Mac looks annoyed... "Guys... instead of talking about bad stuff, let's focus on...". He put his arms around both of his friends "Having fun!", Rei agrees "You're right, Let's go!". They looked at many animals in the barrier cages, and fences... until they came to the bush babies. Rei exclaims "They look so freaky! Look at their eyes!", Mac spoke as they watched them "That reminds me, did you see it on the association site?:  aliens landed!!!". Rei answers as he looks up at Mac "I saw! I heard that they didn't have a ship, they LANDED on their feet! They apparently can fly anywhere!", Miya chimes "They knock out cameras too! The only recordings of them go for 2-4 seconds... not even the association has enough proof of their existence. Even so, they only have told us heroes and Kansos civilians...". Mac chuckled "No one will believe it anyway, the few who would wouldn't be able to find them...", Rei suddenly yelled "Let's see the Zebras!". Later they went ALL the way back to the jungle section, "Rei, why didn't you look at 'em when we were here before!?" Miya asked irritated, Rei laughed sheepishly "I forgot them when we were looking at the lions!".  Mac walked away holding Windo's arm, "I saw 'em, c'mon Windo. Let's get something to eat!", Miya turned towards them "Wait for...". She notices Rei didn't say anything... she turns to see him staring at the Zebras, frowning... She then asks, afraid "Rei... what's wrong?". He explained "I'm worried... Faire was sent by himself, the bodyguard mission's were safe... but this is the first time, he'll be completely by himself...". He folded his arms "When I found out he was sent to Kansos Centre, I asked what his favorite animals were: he said animals like: Zebras, monkys, sheep and kiwis... all of them are herbivores or prey. They all remind me of Faire, he doesn't meat and even though he's salty, he doesn't want to lose us. I think that's the reason he doesn't say anything and does things he originally wouldn't, even though he seems to be annoyed easy... I hate for something to happen, and he can't do anything to protect himself. I know he has the barrier and we could save him if there's a distress signal, and he's only on a surveillance mission... But I... nevermind, he is older, he's a man, he can do the mission...". Miya looked at Rei, surprised at how caring he really was "I know I shouldn't worry, but I can't help it. Sorry to bring you down.", he finished as they walked away from the zebra cage. Miya spoke as they walked away "Rei... you said he wanted us as friends, he doesn't want us to feel bad because of him.". Rei smiled as she added "Like I said we can get him a souvenir, record the trip. Or after this, we can take him to the zoo next time. He IS our defender, he can protect himself, he'll be okay!", Rei laughs "Yeah! He'll be alright! I don't know why I was so worried, alright let's join Mac and Windo!". They started to the snack stand "What do ya want?", Miya answers "Nothing too much, Fruit gummies or a pockys". Rei spoke as he looked for something "Alright! sure you would've wanted more!? I would buy everything in the stand! Thanks to you I'm feeling awesome!", Miya blushed "Hahaha, you're not going to save any of your money? Besides you needto save for stuff ya wanted right?". Rei smiled "I only need food! You and Windo already took care of anything else, I'll spend the rest on you guys!... I mean the team!". Miya thought as he bought the food... "We seem to get along perfectly, but we never get to talk outside of KFS and work... maybe now, I can tell him...", Miya turned towards him, blushing. "Rei..." she started, until she was interrupted "Rei! check out this goat!". He ran as fast he could! "Where!?", Miya frowned as she watched her crush get distracted by goats! "Crap!". Rei ran up next to Mac, "They look so creepy! I thought they only had curved horns?" he said as they stared at one with slightly curved black horns!. Endora heard them talking, and turned towards the team "You like the goats, boy?...", Rei answered, unknowing who the old woman was "Yeah, that one though looks kinda freaky...".  Endora looks surprised! "Wait... your that fast, upcoming team... Kara Furu Sentai!", Rei smiles as he puffed his chest out and put his hands on his sides! "You heard of us!?". The heavy makeup wearing woman answers "Yes! All lower heroes, are only known from word of mouth. But S Ranks are announced to everybody on earth!", Miya walked up to the goat fence "I forgot we're S rank now...".  Endora laughed "I'm so excited to meet a team! Can I have a picture!?", Rei answers excitedly "Yeah!". She prepared to take the picture as she thought "Master Miff gave me magic to find the one with same wave as her. The magic should show me if any heroes I find, is the right one". She aims at the team as they posed "Everyone has a wave, either flesh and blood waves from sounds: Heart beats, voices even body functions. They also give out others, unnatural waves like Devices, cybernetic parts... they also give a stronger electric wave, than the low one humans normally emit from brains, and even the effect from using full mode...", she takes KFS's picture. "Say: Never fear, KFS is here!" Endora laughed, as she takes their picture. She think's as she walks back to them "None of them have it...", Endora smiled "Thanks! I can't wait to show everyone!". Rei smiles "Your welcome, we're happy to help out our fans!", Endora giggles "Let me go, I gotta see if I can get anymore hero's picture! Byeneee!". She walked away as the team waved "Bye!", Rei turned around to Miya, as Endora walked away, "These things look so freaky, see that one with...". Meanwhile Endora thought "This is going to be easy! With Master Miff's magic, I can easily find the one with the same wave as her. I can't forget any wave, so I'll never look over the same idiot twice. With this and only full heroes being the candidates, we'll find him soon!", she let out a laugh! "Heeeee!heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!!!!!". Rei jumped, surprised! "!!! Was... was that the old lady!!!!? She... sounded like a witch!", Miya started snickering "Rei!!! stop!". He tried to talk "But... she really... why?", Miya answered "She DID sound like the wicked witch of the west from Wizard of Oz 69.". Mac smiled "She probably has a crystal ball and flying monkeys!", Windo added "She might've rode away on a broom too! From the way she smelt, she... could've ... been a witch!!!". Everyone laughed at Windo! Rei tried to stop them from making fun of the old woman "Guys stop! She could come back!", He thought as he started laughing with his friends "I wish Faire was here, he would've love making fun of her too...". Meanwhile in Kansos Centre, Faire was thinking as he walked towards the building the association assigned for him to stay in. "I hope granddaddy is alright, I had a sick feeling before I even knew... They called me that night and told me he had a heart attack, I tried to send money... I couldn't leave this mission to see him. So I wanted to at least pay him back... but even if they took the money: there's nothing they could do, his body's to weak to operate on.". Faire came to a sidewalk... "They could only hook him to a machine, I hope his arteries clear... this has to pass at some time.", Faire notices 2 men making out on a bench... "Yuri, if you sense anyone gay or bi, even "if they don't know they're gay yet". Stop them from touching me, or even walking by.". Yuri replies "Don't worry Faire Sama, I wouldn't want you to even be upset", Faire answers "I don't see how they can stand to be like that, it reminds me of work: It's OK to help, like now I'm actually finding out something horrible happening, and am being paid. It'll be twisted if they forced me to work without pay, like twisting what type of love you feel, then forcing others to go along with it." (he exhales as he walks away) "I see Larry Tate now as my granddad, since I can't actually see mine, that's the only reason why I'm still doing this". Faire walked into a park, no one was around as it was near night... "I miss my granddaddy". A blue light flashed over the entire park!!!! A being floated down to Faire! He stared at the blond, red eyed being...  the man floated in front of him. His tail and white robe flowed in the high wind! The being also had a red glow, only dimmed by his completely (pupiless) red eyes. Faire stared at him as Yuri spoke to him "Don't worry, I won't let anyone touch you Master Faire Sama!", the being spoke "!!! Don't be afraid" (He does the peace sign) "I come in peace!". Faire stares... the being asks " have something you want to ask? You can ask anything!!!", Yuri calms Faire "Don't be afraid, he doesn't have any negative waves in his mind, maybe he is kind".  Faire asks "Why did you visit? With all due respect: you voluntarily "appeared" here, right? You look happy too, why would you come to earth? (it's disgusting here)". The being answered "Me, my friends and wife" (Faire's face blushes, lightly) "are exploring other worlds. We love seeing different places, and beings. At the moment, I'm away from them but..." (He smiles) "I can feel her coming here now!". The being then notice Faire blushing as he looked down, he asks the teen "What's wrong? You can say anything". Faire looked up as he thought "I feel so comfortable, I feel like I can tell him... Yuri's not helping me either...", he answered the being "You have friends and your own family... I can't even speak to my friends, they're so nice and do everything for me... but I'm too scared to say how I feel. I can't even get close to having a family...". The being smiled happily "You remind me of, me, when I was younger. When I grew up, I tried to accepted everything. Everything then became easy and went smooth.". Faire answered "I don't want to lose me!  I wouldn't I don't want to accept anyone else, I could lose myself. I want to have friends, I want to help people. I want to help people, and make friends as me. Nothing matters if I, myself doesn't exist. I don't want to be a different person when I fulfill my goal. If I accept everything, I'll lose my integrity, I don't want to lose myself!". The being chuckles cheerily "I don't see any evil in your dreams... you seem to be good. I'll accept everything so I can see the good in your soul" (He holds his hand to Faire) "You ARE like me, I was like that.". The being smiles as he poured "You WILL get everything, don't give up.", Faire looked excited as the being starts floating slowly. "You will have everything, don't leave the path you chose. Don't be anyone else. Don't be like everyone else, don't change, don't compromise. You WILL be able to talk to your friends, you WILL become a game designer, You WILL find a wife. Don't change your destiny,  don't leave the path your own, don't compromise your dream. Tear off all the injured pieces of yourself, and be you! You'll fulfill all your dreams!". The being disappeared, he left as a blue light flashed from the movement!!!  Faire stared up as he thought "I'll be able to talk to my friends, I'll be a game designer... I'll have a wife! Many don't believe fortunes come true, including even Pico, everyone doesn't see they come true in other ways than we expected. I believe them, everyone fortune I had came true, whether I knew it then or not... I found later on all of them DID come true. I'm going to fulfill all my dreams!". Yuri alerts him , "Master Faire Sama♡, Your mother wants to talk to you...", a hologram came out of Kuroh. Faire heard his mother as he saw his granddad hooked up to many tubes and wires... a machine pushed water and air in him, as he lied motionless "Faire, Say something... he can't hear you.".

"I couldn't say anything, I tried hard not to cry.. I wanted to tell him, everything's alright, we have to go to church again when I get back. But... I couldn't say a damn thing, I dropped like a punk ass bitch..."

Meanwhile at Joseph's 699, Zara spoke to her friend. "We have to hurry up,I have to meet a prime minister, and then I have to train, then we have to go to that meeting on the merge.". Usagi looks up from a pc... and the device she bought in smallville, "I'm still really excited, became a hero! You liked the obligatory hero training???". Zara replied "I want my people to depend completely on me. In welfare, politics, any area... And in real disasters also, I want them to be safe as long as I'm the prime minister! Like back in the village...". Usagi giggles "You really sound like you became a real hero...", Zara stares at the technician... Usagi finally asked her, noticing she couldn't hide her feelings from her... "Zara, do you ever feel, because you were freaked out, you missed out something that could've been exciting?".  Zara replies "Yes, That's why I push forward: to catch any new chances, and maybe the one I missed...", she stood up and walked to the door. Zara looked at the sunset as she says "Let's go, the rules for Centre Kansos are much more strict, than outer part of the city...". Meanwhile  Seiku stared up at the Disaster Forecast, he and more bodyguards were standing on a launch site. "It's almost time, when I go to the DF, I can finally save the world!" Seiku smiles... Meanwhile in a alley, Kryptonite was kneeling over... a sick, disgusting, twisted squish sound echoed from the alley way... Kasper then sat up "Ha....ha... ha... ha... These brats are perfect, if they DO make a perfect clone... I'll keep the rest of these.". A limo drove up behind the villain, a scientist came out. "Kryptonite! What the fuck!!!? You can't do that...", he yelled to him. Kasper glares "I'm killing them like you retards want! The fuck!!!?", the scientist spoke "You can kill them anyway you want but... eating and raping them out in the open might attract attention! We don't want anyone finding out before we finish!". Kasper stood up "You're taking forever!!! What the hell am I suppose to do in the meantime!?", the scientist held out a stack of dollars "You can find hos anywhere...". Kasper interrupts "No! I hate having to even see the humans! These girls are perfect, no extra shit, no family or friends, just vagina!", the man sighed then smiles "Alright look, we want the same world. If you could hold up... or at least be a little more quiet, we won't care. We just want to clean up this world...". Kasper smiles "That's why we're friends!"...

-The heroes relax as villains do horrible, unspeakable things in the darkness.  Zara and Usagi become heroes as they now attend Kansos Hero Association Academy... Meanwhile Seiku is close to completing his plan! While Kasper molests clones of the princess, she unknowingly lives by someone who sees her as a thing... Everyone's completely unaware of the evil living by them...-



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