Chapter 1

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My cat above but he is going to basically be Ruby in this story so basically my kitty is Ruby just with the wrong gender

Sand blew into my face with the sand storm. Laying on the ground with my fluffy fur protecting my skin from the sand pelting around me. Laying close to the ground I slowly crawled forward.

You can hardly get into the Sahara desert before a sand storm hits. I got caught in one again and was slowly trying to reach back to safety. Safety in the long crumbled empire of Egypt. I hope not to see a male again especially not now. The males run the ruins of the city. They keep the females safe in tribute that they allow them to mate with them when in heat.

The season for heat was coming close. Most females excepted the offer from the males it's a win win for them. The female won't be in pain during the heat and are safe, while the males get their bout of more males to train from the kits born.

I refuse to be a puppet cat to them and I can survive the heat. It was why I was out in the desert looking for more food so I didn't have to hunt in pain for meat or fruits, or even what the males supply to the females not able to do so.

I saw some of the remaining pillars still standing when I passed over a dune and hurried up my crawling. There would be a male on top looking over even if it was pointless, besides looking for stragglers like me coming back.

I heard a loud yowl sound out from both pillars of the entrance. The walls protecting us where still high for us but for humans they are shambles. There gone now anyway. The walls are tall for us cats but their climbed by the males to get to their watch towers, and to look at females. How would I know that? My dad before he got to old to stay on the watch pillars and fell to his death not able to bend fast enough, in his old age, to land.

Some males rushed out and stood around me taking the brunt of the sand so I could get to safety, this would be the only time I would be grateful to be near them. They got me into the walls and then scrambled back to what they where doing. I raced through the less sand blown paths trough the rock walls that the cats put together. I got home and curled up not bothering to clean my fur till tomorrow.

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