Chapter 10

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Waking up from sun bathing was not fun. The sun had sunk below the earth taking all of its delicious heat with it. I got up and stretched, mouthing my complaint to the sun.

Patch rolled over and curled up into a tighter ball. I headed back inside, I then shook my fur to get rid of some of the sand on me. I trotted over to a window on the opposite side, that was crumbling, and jumped through it.

Racing out into the sand I went to a popular place to hunt, the watering hole, on the outskirts of the wall. I quickly slowed down, as of not to scare the prey away. Crouching down, I waited being quiet and still.

Suddenly something shuffled off to my right. My ears twitched as I prowled closer to the unsuspecting prey. Crouching lower I rocked my hips as I went in for a pounce!

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