Chpater 2

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Waking up with my sand coated fur was fun. My body felt dried out and I knew my tongue would be as well once I start cleaning myself.

I shook my body, to try and save my mouth from being super dry, and poof lots of sand particles flew into the air away from me. I think I might be lazy and go to the waterhole and wash off that way, I would need to go there to get my mouth wet again regardless.

Bounding out of my home I trotted to the waterhole diving in I felt all the sand float away. I was probably the only cat willing to do this anyway. Scaredy cats of water, I tilted my head down and started to lap water up as I padded afloat.

Once I had my fill I swam back to the shore and shook my body. I then started to lick my body starting with my back and tail working my way up to my head. Suddenly a male plopped beside me, a tortoiseshell.

"Hey," he says with a bump of his head on my shoulder. I turned around from him and continued cleaning. "Hey, let me help you, please" He purred out.

"I am in no need of assistance of you, now leave me alone," I hissed out. I got up and started to walk home, tail twitching in frustration.

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