Chapter 1

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Sidney felt like she'd been punched in the stomach. "I haven't lived for a million years! I'm only 13!"

"No, you haven't" Leo agreed. "Most likely you are the third queens daughter and have only lived for a thousand years. The queen disappeared as an adult and you are an adolescent."

"A thousand years? I told you I'm 13. I would have noticed if I aged super slowly."

"Not necessarily," Raven told her. "Your mother must have put a spell on you so no one would notice your rather unique aging."

"My mother is a regular human." Sidney said stubbornly crossing her arms over her chest.

"Wait, there's been a hundred Deaths since the queen disappeared. The line must have gotten diluted by now." Sidney was desperate to prove she wasn't the queen of the dead although she had no idea why.

"Sidney I know this is hard for you, but I sensed that you are special through your hourglass," Death said, attempting to comfort her. "Why else would I send Raven to you and not someone who, well, knew what they were doing?"

"Thank's a lot." Sidney turned her back on Leo and his daughter and marched to the back of the room, sobbing quietly.

"If it makes you feel any better we could ask the Librarian." Leo suggested.

Sidney turned back to them, her pretty blue eyes red and puffy. "Alright. But I'm not the queen of the dead."

"We'll see" Leo said confidently as Raven grabbed the scythe and dagger and snapped her fingers causing space and time to collapse in on itself around her and Sidney. For a long moment Leo stood and looked at the empty spot the two girls had previously occupied. "We'll see. Oh yes, we'll see." He opened the office door and quietly drifted into the corridor snapping it shut behind him.

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