Lucas Friar

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A/N: Okay so this is my first story I am making and I am so excited for this!!!! I am putting songs for some of the chapters so you can read and listen to music in the background, all of the songs were from Teen Wolf, one of my favs TV shows, besides GMW.

All of the story will be written in Riley's P.O.V so sit back, relax, and enjoy.

Lucas. Even the sound of his name gave me chills, but I could never have him. Not in a million years, not ever because he is with my best friend, Maya. They have been dating since they were 14 and 2 years later at 16, they are as happy as ever. Ever since I was 14 I hid the biggest secret from everyone. I love Lucas. I love him and I don't even know why I still do. He is with Maya and I can't like him. Not like this. He is my brother and will never be more than that.

Brother. Brother. Lover. Brother. Friend. Why does my life have to be difficult?

If only I hadn't gotten feelings for him. Why does he have to trudge his way every single day into my life and make me feel guilty. Make me feel like like I am the bad person, that I am in love with the person who loves someone else. Well I guess that is how everything has to be right? The pretty, beautiful, rebellious, blonde gets the handsome, kind, good guy, while the ugly, broken, brunette girl gets to see their love grow bigger and bigger. The classic love story. Of course.

" Hey, Riley," Lucas spoke.

Oh, I was daydreaming of the troubles of my life. Great.

" Lucas," I slowly turn my head to the side to see the one person that can make me go weak with one smile. I could recognize that voice from anywhere. His smooth, soothing voice that glided down his tongue to my ears.

" Riley, remember what Maya, Farkle, and I said. No more daydreaming."

Well I wouldn't be daydreaming in class if you weren't here and caused me to fall in love with you.

" Oh sorry, I just can seem to find one subject in school that interests me, or the ability to not daydream," I

" Well, you know I'm always here for you, as a brother. Sisters talk to brothers about everything so they can help," Lucas responded.

Brother and sister. Ugh. No not that word that sounds like poison every single time Lucas says it. Especially to me.

" Yeah, I know. It is just you know, homework has been piling a lot lately and it seems like it just gets harder and harder every day," I lie.

"Okay, but remember what I said. You can always count on your friends for everything. Anything on your mind that has been bothering you, tell us. We don't want you to suffer." Lucas assured.

You don't understand the amount of control it took for me to not scream "I am in love with you" to him. I have been suffering for the last two years and would've told them, but Maya deserved it. Ever since I met her, when we were 9, she was broken. Her dad left her life, her mom hardly cared about her, and she thought no one loved her. So when she found Lucas and fell in love with him, I couldn't get in between that. She was finally happy, after all of those horrible past years, she was happy with the one person that I had my heart set on. Now it was my turn.

" Okay, thanks.... brother," I stuttered. He smiles which makes my heart smile as I realize the reality of life.

I turn my head back and look at the clock on the wall, hoping that this class was over and I could rush into the bathroom and cry until I had no more tears to cry.

Suddenly the bell rings and I grab all of my things and rush out the door before someone could see the tear that rushed down my cheek. Then I feel someone's hand grip my wrist and pull me back so I was staring at their face. Their green, forest eyes that brought hope and despair into my life. Lucas. He grabs my face lightly, bringing me closer to him as my heart beats faster and faster and my toes start to curl with even more hope. He brushes the tear on my rosy cheek that I forgot was there and looked into my eyes with concern.

" Why are you crying," Lucas questioned.

" It's just...I don't know," I whimpered.

" Riley, I told you already, you can tell us anything that is happening..... you know the past few days you have been acting different. I deserve to know, Riley. What is going on?" Lucas explained.

His hand slowly lets go of my face as his eyes fill more with sadness and confusion. He continues to look straight into my eyes that can't help but trickle down one last tear. This time he just lets it fall onto the ground.

" Lucas, somethings deserve to be left unsaid, some words just cant be said," I whispered.

" Yeah, but some things also deserve to be said. You are hurt, Riley and I can't just stand around here and see that someone I care about is hurt and I have no idea. Riley, you need to tell me, so I can help fix whatever is going on with you," Lucas assured.

" Lucas, I can fix myself. I don't need you to fix anything for me," I stated.

He looks at me one last time, this time with just confusion and lets me run into the girls restroom and fall onto the ground as I let out all of the emotions and tears that I held. I hear his footsteps become quieter and quieter as my tears become more and more hurtful coming out of my brown eyes.

I realize that it was lunch time and Maya, Lucas, and Farkle were waiting for me at lunch. Well, Maya and Farkle. Why does this have to happen? Out of all of things that could have happened in life I get stuck with the life of me living in a lie. Maybe this was just meant to be. I was never going to find love. I was never going to get Lucas and I was never going to get happiness, again.

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