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A/N: Hellloooo....its me! Here is another chapter hope the very few of you Rucas shippers read this and enjoy it. I might not update every day but today is a weekend and yeah! Enjoy the chapter and of course Riley's P.O.V.

Why. Why. Why. Why. I slowly balance my fragile body to look up at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. Luckily no one was there so I was all alone to cry. I see mascara dripping down my face and my brown eyes red and puffy from being hurt. I don't understand why this has to happen. I quickly grab the paper towels and drown it in cold water to place against my face so I wipe away all of the sorrows that I caused. I reach into my bag and grab the mascara, to apply back onto my face with a fake smile and fix my hair, grab my bag and walk out the girl's bathroom to the lunch harbor. Just as I went out I bump into Maya.

" Hey, Riley are you okay. Lucas told me you ran into the bathroom crying," Maya questioned.

Of course the guy that I love has to tell Maya that I was hurt and apparently I'm weak enough to not be able to solve my own problems.

" Yeah, I'm fine. I don't know why Lucas thought I was crying. I'm perfectly okay," I replied. I lied to her. My best friend that I thought I could tell her everything, I lied to. I gave her one of my yet again fake smiles and walked past her as I see the slight worry and confusion in her sparkly, blue eyes. My eyes slowly move to open the lunch harbor and my boots patter in a steady rate as I walk over to the table with Lucas, Farkle, and two empty seats, for the people who are in love with Lucas. What a coincidence. I sit down beside Farkle and grab my bag off of my shoulder and pull out my lunch, an apple and a PB & J sandwich. 

" Hey, Riles," Farkle spoke. 

" Hi.....," I murmured. I look up from my lunch to see three pairs of eyes stuck on me. Maya came back only to stare at me in even more confusion. Farkle looked concerned and a bit calm like he knew everything. Lucas. Lucas looked angry. Flames of anger crept their way into his emerald eyes as he fixated them onto me. 

" Why are you guys staring at me. You know I'm okay, you don't need to baby me. I'm fine," I exclaimed. Why do they feel the need to just think I'm some sort of weak person who can't do a thing by themselves. Silence started to fill our table, while chatters were heard from everyone else, enjoying their life. Laughing, yelling, whispering were all heard but in our table only breaths from each of us were to be heard. Suddenly it stops.

" Riley, we told you, I told you. You need to come to us if your hurt or feel like somethings wrong. You can count on us no matter what. I don't even need to tell you that. You should already know," Lucas whispered. 

"Lucas, how many times do I have to tell you that I'm fine. I'm okay. I don't need any of you guys to tell me what I need to fix and tell you. I'm a person and people go through things that maybe they don't need their friends to solve for them," I yelled. I angrily grab my bag and walk away with tears starting to form in my eyes. If only they knew. If only. This wouldn't happen and I wouldn't be here right now arguing with the people that are trying to help, but I seem to be just ignoring it. 

Soon the bell rings and every other class slowly passes, while my thoughts run wild and my emotions take over. My friends all ignore me because they know I just need space for myself. I'm slowly starting to detach from them and I don't like it one bit, but if it means that they will all be happy, then I'm all for it.

I walk the way home to throw my bag on the wooden floor and walk upstairs slowly to hear the slight hellos that fill my house from my family. My mother, my father, and my little brother. The one who looks up to me, can't even anymore because I'm officially broken. Not only do I ruin my lives, but affect everyone else around me. Its like I'm a bomb and one day I'm going to explode, hurting people all around me. (FIOS reference, kind of) 

I walk into my bland room of cream white walls and messes everywhere. Clothes scattered all around my room and images of the happy times sprawled all in order. I lay down onto my bed and think about everything. The one place that seems to know all of my secrets as if it could talk. All of my thoughts about how in love I am with Lucas Friar and how I'm slowly moving away from my group of friends. Suddenly I hear a quiet knock on my bay window and I see the one and only Lucas. 

I walk over there and smile to only open the locked window and see him return a smile and walk in. 

" Riley, we need to talk. Just you and me and no one else. I won't even tell Maya and Farkle about this," Lucas stammered.

He wants to talk to me. Alone. That hasn't happened in a while because well I became broken and Maya and him are stuck together like glue. 

" Okay, we can do that," I replied softly. We walk a few steps to the bay window and sit on the little cushions that brought back many memories. He faces me and takes my hand sending a wave of quivers up my arm and down my back. He looks at me in the eye and sits far enough to be looked at as friends, only to smile and talk.

" Riley. I know you don't need our help, but you have to tell me what's wrong. I don't like you hurt. It doesn't look good on you. I want the happy Riley, the Riley that used to laugh at everything I said and smile when I said hi. Or talk to me about everything going on in life. From stories about your little brother annoying you to the embarrassing stories of you dropping your cereal every morning. I just need the Riley I remember," Lucas assured.

A tear starts to slide down my cheek as I quickly brush it away and stare at Lucas. If only I could tell him and everything would be okay. We would ride horses together and he would be the prince and I  would be the princess, but that cannot happen. I won't let it even if my imagination wanders to its fullest and it takes over. 

" I want happy Riley back too, but I can't her back as much as I want to. I'm who I am right now and no one can change that," I responded. Lucas starts to move a bit closer to me and keeps his eyes locked with mine, as he slowly puts his hand on my cheek and I shiver. 

"Maybe I could help," Lucas answered.

He looks down at my lips as I look down at his and something I thought could never happen.

We both leaned in slowly and my imagination had kicked in and it was winning. He placed his lips slowly on mine with grace and passion. As I soon return that favor and kiss back as my thoughts started to fight with my imagination and happy Riley started to creep towards the light of life. 

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