Second Chances

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A/N: Hello guys! Next week I will be actually very busy, so I might not be posting regularly. Also, I haven't been having much inspiration for this story. Boo. Thank you for the 4k reads though. I appreciate every single one of you guys and I couldn't have done without ya'll. Enjoy this chapter. 

I froze. I knew immediately who it was. That dreading voice that I had wanted to ignore for the rest of my life has come back. I wanted to just walk away and ignore that person, but I knew that was the wrong thing to do so I turned around to face them. 

" What do you want from me?" I asked. The last time I talked to this person, it was a while ago and I purposely ignored this person. They didn't deserve to be in my life. 

He looked down at the ground as a couple of people walked by us. It was one of the most awkward situations I have been in. I could tell he wanted something out of me,yet I couldn't tell if that thing was bad or good. 

After what seemed like a couple minutes of silence he looked up at me and responded. " Look. I know I messed up really bad with you. I made myself seem like a jerk and I didn't mean too. I'm sorry and I just want you to know that I want to be friends with you again. Or more." 

He was apologizing to me. Out of all the time in the world he was apologizing to me right now. Should I forgive him? He had been a horrible person to me, yet I was still asking myself if I should forgive him. I was more on the verge of yes. I look back at him and reply," Alex. I accept your apology. We can be friends, but I want you to know that we will only be friends. Nothing more." 

He just nodded his head and reached for a hug. I uncomfortably hugged back as his arms wound around my waist and my arms hung to my sides. He pulled away and just smiled at me with his blinding teeth. 

This was going to be different. Someone that I hated minutes ago, was back into my life. I guess everyone deserves a second chance. I guess Alex deserves a second chance. 

I quickly smiled back and walked away leaving him by himself. I didn't know if I did the right thing by letting him back into my life. He did hurt one of the most important people in my life, yet he did save mine. 

Once I got home I unlocked the door and walked into my room, quietly shut the door. No one was home. I assume that my parents were doing errands and my brother was somewhere with my grandparents. I laid down on my bed and immediately regretted it. I winced at the pain. 

Those bruises withheld so much pain. I moved into my bathroom to grab an icepack only to look back at some rustling noise to find a familiar face. Charlie. 

" Charlie, what are you doing in my room?" I exclaimed. Had I not locked the front door to the apartment only to realize that I had given him a spare key. I gave him a spare key like an idiot when we were a thing and had completely forgotten about it. 

He shoots me a sly grin and only replies creepily," Oh dear Riley. Don't you know why I am here? I came to see you. I mean the last time I saw you, you were laying on the floor unconscious. Seems like you got a couple of bruises, how pathetic." 

I cannot believe that Charlie actually had the nerves to say that to me. He was about to get a mouthful of words thrown at him. 

" How dare you say that to me? Get out of my room and my life you jerk. You don't even deserve anything after what you did to Lucas and I. I used to think you were amazing, smart, and nice. What happened?" I screamed at him. 

The neighbors could hear me. My voice was screeching as loud as it could. He was a horrible person that needed to get punched several times. Why was he like this?

" What happened? You're really asking me that. You left me for Lucas. Lucas of it all. The guy that left you for a year and broke your heart about a million times. You finally moved on with me. We were going to be forever and then he just comes back into your life and you let him." He explained

Was he trying to say that he was jealous? That he wanted to be with me, instead Lucas got me. That Charlie was happy and then Lucas comes in and ruins it? 

I look down at my shoes and tried to comprehend what was happening while Charlie just stood there. Not listening to a word I had said before. 

Should I forgive him for what he did? Did he also deserve a second chance? So much forgiving in one day. I guess maybe he deserved a second chance. Just not right now. 

I look back up at him to see him already staring at me as I answer quietly. " Charlie. I don't know what to think at this moment okay. You have done so much to try and ruin my relationship with Lucas. Whether it was as friends or more. I just don't know what to say to that." 

He nodded his head and just left my room. Just like that and he was gone. I sighed and just sat on my bed. Right now my bruises didn't hurt, yet my brain did from thinking. Thinking about Charlie, Alex, Lucas, and everyone in my life. I let Charlie keep the spare key.

As I was thinking, someone comes into my room through the bay window and just sits there. I look up to smile and sit next to her. 

She could always make my day better just by the smile on her face. 

" Hi Riles. Are you okay?" She asked. " Of course, Maya." I answered back. I was always going to be okay, well I was always going to think I was okay. I want to be more positive in my life. I want to not have to trap myself in this hole of darkness. 

" Good. I was wondering if you were okay because I saw Charlie leave your apartment. What was happening here? Did he try to hurt you?" She wondered. 

" No he didn't. In fact he told me something that has made me wonder if I should give him a second chance. A second chance to prove to me that he deserves to be in my life." I responded. 

Maya looked at me surprised and nodded her head. I guess she was okay with that too. I mean I do believe that everyone deserves a second chance, but Charlie I don't know if I can forgive him right away. 

Thats when Maya asks me a question that made me think even more.

" How do you think Lucas will take this?

1215 words

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