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Life was over. It was over for me. And maybe for Auggie. Just the sight of his lifeless body made me break down. I need him. He was the one always seemed to make my life happy. He was the light of my life.

He was supposed to be here. Standing and smiling at me. Telling me to smile and now I don't think he even has the power to move.

" Auggie? Auggie? Auggie," I screamed. I ran over to the hospital bed and collapsed next to him. Murmuring his name continuously as I grasp his hand and feel tears strike down my cheeks.

My parents slowly walk over to me as they put their hands on my shoulder to try and comfort me.

It wasn't working.

He was gone. He was gone. I could feel it. His presence was disappearing. Lucas stood outside the door, silently standing as he waited for me to be in his grasp again. But I was never leaving Auggie's side.

Not now.

His face was so swollen and his body was so broken. He looked like a mere image of a ghost and I could tell he was losing blood. A lot of it.

Then the doctor soon came inside the room and ushered for everyone to get out. " Please no, let me stay with him. Please," I pleaded. 

" I'm sorry, we can't. You have to leave," the doctor answered. I blocked out the quiet voices repeatedly trying to tell me something, yet I just stood there. I wasn't going to let them pull me away from who needed me most. Abandonment was the last thing that Auggie needed. Then I started to feel a tug on my arm and then on my shoulder.

My parents were trying to make me leave. Correction, Lucas was trying to make me leave. 

I look up at Auggie's face once again and multiple tears continue to ride down my face. I was hurting again. I could feel the tug become more harder as I just let go and crash into Lucas's chest. I weakly place my arms around his neck and cry. He slowly places his arms around my waist and lifts me into his arms. I waste no time to put my legs around his waist and continue to sob on his shoulder.

It hurt so badly. Pain was felt from every nerve in my body as I continue to be held and walked out of the room. We were the last ones to leave as a slight drift pushed my hair and an abrupt noise was heard. The door was closed. 

Once my body leaves the atmosphere of the dreadful room Lucas places me on one of the chairs as he tries to sit me down, but I wouldn't let him. The grasp I had on him was now tight and I wouldn't let another person leave my presence. I didn't want to cry alone. 

" Riley, you have to let go of me. Both of us can't sit on these tiny chairs," Lucas whispered into my ear. I silently let a few tears go as I managed to choke out a couple of words," I--- d-d-on't w-w-a-a-n-t you t-o l-l-eave -m-m-e-e." 

He moves my face out of his shoulder and looks into my eyes, still managing to stand. I slowly lifted my head to look at his eyes and I could feel my heart leave my chest. He looked so broken and I could tell he was hurting. He was hurting because I was hurting. He was trying to analyze me. What I was thinking, what I was feeling. But he could hardly notice how he himself felt. 

His green eyes weren't green anymore, they were a slight red color. They looked damaged, like he couldn't even identify as Lucas. As himself. Dark and mysterious. Unreadable. I loved his eyes when they weren't like this. All this endless pain was filled into his eyes as a little tear races down his blushed cheeks.  

He starts to put his soft fingers on my face as he tried to flick the tears off of my stained face. I could already feel my tears coming again as he saw and immediately tried to console me. 

" Everything will be okay. I promise Riley. Everything will be fine and Auggie will be okay," Lucas reassured. I nodded my head slightly and tried to just believe him. I closed my brown eyes and tried to just think positively just for a bit. I just wanted happiness to arise and to stay. I didn't want temporary anymore. 

Then I felt his lips press softly against mine. Reassuring, sadness, hope all mixed into one as I pressed back and continued to enjoy his embrace. This wasn't like any other kiss I've ever had with him. It felt hopeful. The kiss felt like he was trying his hardest to be strong for me and to hope. Hope for things to get better. This kiss felt like an apology. 

I pull away from the kiss and open my eyes to look at him. A slight grin is placed on his face hesitantly as I did the same and slowly set myself down so he wasn't carrying my weight. His arms never left my waist as he still continued to look at me. With so much love. With so much sympathy. I leave his grasp slowly and turn around to the set of chairs. 

I took a seat at the closest one near Auggie's hospital room and wait for Lucas to join me, but he was already waiting for me sitting on the chair closest to mine. His hand tightly wounds around mine as my head is placed right on his shoulder and I just think. 

I let everything process into my mind. I feel like all of this chaos hasn't fully hit my mind. I don't think I realized the full outlook on this. Then Lucas clears his throat and quietly speaks to me," Riley, can we talk?" 

I tilt my head to look at him, realizing that he was already looking at me and I softly murmur back unsure of what outcome this would have. 

" Of course." 

1136 words

A/N: I am so sorry. I am so so sorry. I know I promised I would try and update more often and I broke that promise. I am very busy and I can hardly get my hands on wattpad for more than 10 minutes. This book is slowly coming to an end and I know it will be worth the wait. Thank you for the 16k reads and the 900 votes. I am so thankful for each reader and everything positive that has come out of this book. Thank you endlessly and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. 

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