Chapter Two

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Karkat pulled away, smiling more than he ever had before. His voice was whisper-soft when he asked, "Was... was that okay?"

Terezi grinned at him, her face beaming. "That was better than okay."

He turned away from her, though, looking at the blank gray wall. "What does this mean, now? What are the others going to think? What are we supposed to call this? What-"

Terezi put a finger to his lips, effectively shushing him. "Don't worry about that, Karkles. Just let things happen."

"Don't call me Karkles." He said.

She grinned. "You know you love it- and anyways, why all the worrying about quadrants and how other people feel? Doesn't it just matter that we're happy together?"

"I- yeah, I just... I still worry. I can't let anyone down, you know? And how are they going to feel about this?"

"It doesn't matter!" Terezi cried, exasperated but amused. Karkat's oddness was so charming sometimes (when it wasn't annoying). "All you need to do right now is one thing."


"Kiss me again."

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