Chapter Three

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"Karkat? I hope you are not too busy at the moment, seeing as I require your assistance. A problem has arisen and- oh!" Kanaya gasped, putting her hand over her mouth- what was Karkat doing?

Terezi's eyes flashed with fear as she abruptly pulled away and turned to face the other girl. "Kanaya? What are you doing here?"

"I needed Karkat for something- but I think the better question is what are you doing here? And why are you getting so affectionate with Karkat?"

Karkat's face flushed red- this wasn't unlike being caught by your mom- but thankfully, Terezi knew what to do. "It's nothing, Kanaya. Karkat and I are together now, didn't you know? The news has been going around. Everyone knows."

The other girl's eyebrows crinkled in confusion. "Really? That does not seem possible- I have not heard news of this from anyone else. Do you not think someone would have told me?"

"I guess not." Terezi said coolly. "But never mind that- what did you need Karkat for?"

"I suppose it may be helpful for you to come along too. There is a mild... problem... between Eridan and Sollux."

Karkat sighed heavily, expecting the worst. "Did one of them kill each other? I knew that stupid love triangle would get out of control. Kanaya, you could've tried to auspicitize between them..."

She narrowed her eyes at him, mildly annoyed. "I am not always the village two wheel device for that as everyone seems to think. Feferi had the choice to do so, and she did not- that is not my problem."

"So did they kill each other or what?" Terezi butted in.

"No. They did not. I... I suppose you will see what happened. Follow me."

Karkat and Terezi shared a nervous glance, but they got up and followed Kanaya out into the other room. Maybe for need of comfort, or maybe because of something more... when they left, they were holding hands tightly.

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