Chapter Five

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"Kanaya, I've found somebody who makes me happy. Isn't that what matters? Can't you please accept that- and just let us be happy together?"

Kanaya sighed, still giving him her sad puppy-dog eyes. It was hard to look cute, though, when the other person knew you once sliced open your lusus with a chainsaw. "I do want you to be happy, Karkat. That is exactly why I am doing things that you consider to be a ... 'pain in the a**'."

"Like messing with my relationships? If you think Terezi is so bad, who should I be with instead? Huh?"

"I do not pretend to have an answer for that, but I still stand by my assumption that she is possibly not the correct person for you. I hope you will take time to consider my words. However, Terezi is returning with Feferi, which means I can no longer hassle you about her. Please do not tell her about our conversation."

"I won't do that- no matter how mad at you I may be." He replied in his low, gravelly voice. It probably sounded like that from all the screaming he did.

"Hey, Kanaya, I got Feferi like you wanted. What are we supposed to do now?" Terezi asked.

"Allow me to take care of it- Feferi, will you come with me?"

The heiress looked a bit miffed at everything that happened, but she couldn't really be blamed for that when her matesprit had just sexed all over the floor. She followed Kanaya docilely, leaving Terezi and Karkat alone.

"Hey, Karkat. I hope Kanaya didn't talk too much s*** about me while I was gone." Terezi teased, her voice light. She noticed his face falling, and quickly followed up with, "Woah, who shoved a stick up your a**? What's wrong?"

"Tez..." He asked, voice shy and quavering. "Do you think this is a bad idea? Us, that is?"

"Karkles... where is this coming from? Did Kanaya really say something to you?"

"She sort of... warned me. About us. And you. About how we might not be good together."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Terezi snarled, her blacks lips pulled back in a growl. "We're- we're really good, Karkat. I..." Her anger faded away, leaving her sounding dejected. "I really want to be your matesprit."

"You do?" He asked, his voice trembling. 

"Yes, dummy!" Terezi cried. "You're awesome- with your angry bluster, and stupidly great leadership skills, and really cute hair. I like you a lot, Karkat- I don't really know why sometimes, but I do. I'm sort of messed up and stupid and not the best person ever."

"But I hope you like me too."

He was grinning widely, his smile threatening to break off his face. "Thanks for telling me that, Tez. I think it's exactly what I needed to hear."

"But what about Kanaya?" She asked. "I may not like her all that much, but I know how important she is to you."

"I think she'll understand. I hope she will, at least."

"And if she doesn't?"

"We can still make this work."

Once again, Karkat kissed her sweetly and softly- but stronger this time, confident, with a hint of something that might even be the beginning of love.

She wanted his cherry lips on hers forever and ever, as long as the two of them lived.

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