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"No! Ca-Caspar . . . P-please - not tonight!" I screamed in agony as he pinned me down on the bed.
His hands roughly pulled at my clothes freeing my skin. Goose bumps rose on my skin and the tiny hairs on my arms stood at end.
"Shut the fuck up, Scarlet!"
I could see the hunger burning in his eyes as his fingers danced hastily on my body.
Soon enough the dreaded moment came and my body went numb. I lay there silently tears streaming down my face.
Think of Joe. Think of Joe. Forget Caspar, think about Joe.
Joe was my best friend. He was the guy that had always been there for me. But so had Caspar . . .
Caspar used to be my other best friend until four days ago. I didn't know he had this in him. He completely changed the moment they moved houses.
Caspar then got up and grabbed his trousers.
"Bye my little whore!" He said blowing me a kiss. I rolled up in a ball and the tears flowed like a river.
Why?! Why did Caspar have to do this? Would Joe do it to? Should I tell Joe? No . . . He wouldn't believe me. He would just think I'm the disgusting vile human I am and take Caspar's side. Should I tell Troye, my twin brother? No. He would just think I'm looking for attention. I left Australia when I was 18 (I'm now 20) and I've always regretted it but Joe and Caspar had made me feel like I've lived in London my whole life.
I can't tell no one. I'm just a disgusting human being.
I felt disgusting. I ran to the shower and turned the water on. Not caring about the scalding hot water I scrubbed furiously. I wanted to feel clean. I wanted to take away the feeling of dirt on my skin. Tears of anger, pain and sadness fell from my eyes. No matter how much I tried I couldn't get the dirt of me.
I turned the water of and grabbed a razor and cut on my thighs. I Cut and cut and cut again and again. The skin around the cuts inflamed as the blood beaded up in a line. It wasn't how I imagined it to be. I imagined blood gushing out of the cut and it too make me feel better. But it was better. It numbed the pain and bought happiness.


I woke up gasping for air. I had had the worst dream ever. Caspar was raping me but all the people I loved was just standing watching as I suffered. Then Joe called my name and he was right next to me but when I tried to reach him he took a step back. I closed my eyes but when I opened the Joe was the one that was raping me not Caspar.
I took my phone from the bedside table and the time read 3:00am.
I stared scrolling through my Twitter feed and then tweeted:

I hate nightmares. 😓

Loads of people retweeted it and liked and many people commented Are you okay?
Can you imagine if it got out there what Caspar did. I would be hated on and no one would believe it for a second. Caspar would get into so much trouble and everyone would blame me for it.

I wish I was there to give you a hug and make you feel better x

I didn't know what to say but my fans where going crazy.

@scarletsugg Ahhhh #Jarlet 😍😍
@Scarletspillow #Jarlet
@ScarletSivanMellet290 Omg I wish Scarlet lived with Joe instead of Caspar
So did I.
It's only temporary though. I mean as soon as I find somewhere to live i'm out of here.
I grabbed my laptop that was on the table and searched for houses in London. I didn't want to live anywhere near Caspar but I didn't want to move too far away from Joe. The problem was the Joe was only 10 minutes away from Caspar.
I didn't know what to do!
I put on a lack hoodie over my pyjamas and grabbed my phone and keys. I couldn't think in this house where Caspar was sleeping a few doors away from me.
Quietly closing the door to not wake him, I started walking not caring where I was going. I found myself standing outside Joes house and debated knocking.
No! No! He won't believe you remember!
I carried on walking until I reached a small park. I sat down on a swing and slowly years rolled down my checks. There was nothing I could do.
I took my phone out and scrolled through my contacts.
I internally screamed as Caspar was the first person I saw. Just below his name my blurry eyes read Connor Franta. I smiled Connor was like a big brother to me. He was one of Troyes best friends and I felt I couldn't trust him with anything. But could I really trust him with this. He was one of the sensiblest people I had ever met. He knew how to laugh and joke around but when it came to serious topics he was the best. I knew I could trust him.
The phone rang for a few times but then his cheerful voice filled my ears.
"Hi Scarlet! What makes you call? Isn't it very late for you guys?"
"I just really needed to speak to you" my voice broke.
"Scarlet what's wrong?"
Tears rolled down my eyes. Suddenly, a hand clamped over my mouth I dropped my phone on the floor but accidentally turned it on speaker.
"Let me go!" I screamed but it just came out muffled.
"Scarlet! SCARLET! What's wrong?" Connor said urgently from the ground.
My body went weak and I slipped into unconsciousness on the floor of the park.

I'm so so so so so sorry for making my little Caspar into a rapist. Please forgive me God.
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My best friend, my saviour | a Joe sugg fanfiction | by joesuggfics Where stories live. Discover now