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"Do you need to go home?" I asked forgetting that she couldn't hear. I glanced at the notebook on the floor and then remembered and scribbled it down there.
I could but it's no use. The people treat me horribly there and I'm usually ignored so I'd rather stay out here in this park.
She wrote back.
Would you like to come with me to Scarlet and Caspar's house?
A: really?
J: yeah
A: alright
I held the notebook and pen in one hand and put another hand on her arm. We walked in silence because she couldn't talk and I saw people giving us weird looks. I put my arm down my sides and she put her hands in her pockets. It probably looked really strange. Me, a 24 year old, walking with probably a 14 or 15 year old.
To be honest I was quite small so I probably only looked a few years older then her.
He invited me to come with him to Caspar lees and Scarlet Mellets house! I was shocked but he insisted so I got up and walked with him.
I hated walking in silence. I wanted to hear the cars, people, children, anything.
I tried not to cry as always but I couldn't help a tear roll down my cheek. People was looking at us weirdly.
Him being taller then me, he couldn't see me crying.
No stop crying all the time! I screamed at my self.
Eventually we got there and he knocked on the door as I shyly stood behind him.
Caspar opened the door, still in his pyjamas and they talked for about two minutes, occasionally glancing at me.
Joe looked at me and then the door and I nervously walked in. I didn't know what to do but Joe motioned to follow him and he went to a white door.
He knocked three times so I'm guessing it was Scarlets room. He went in and I just stood by the door.
There was a knock at my door and I knew it was Joe. Caspar wouldn't bother knocking, he would just barge into my room.
I was still by the window. I had been there for ages, consumed in my thoughts.
"Come in" I said, emotionless.
He came in but I sad a girl with brown hair standing by the door.
"Hey, Scarlet. This girl at the park found your phone and she was crying so I couldn't leave her on her own."
"Thank you" I called out to her but she was just staring at the ground, her hair covering her face.
"Scarlet, um . . . She's deaf and mute"
Suddenly his phone started ringing and he left the room to answer it. I was glad; I didn't want to be alone with him, even if the deaf girl was here or that he hadn't done anything to me. Apart from the kiss in morning, Caspar hadn't tried anything but I wasn't planning on leaving my room anytime soon.
The deaf girl looked scared when Joe left and looked up at me. I knew what to do. I sat down on the bed and patted the space next to me. Joe has left a notebook and pen on my bed so I opened it to a clean page and she sat next to me.
I handed it to her and she wrote what's wrong?
S: what do you mean?
A: you look sad. Your eyes look lost and I can see the tear stains on your cheeks.
S: it's nothing
A: why was your crying
S: I wasn't
She knew something was up so I quickly decided to change the subject.
S: What's your name
A: Ava.
S: I'm guessing you know me?
A: Scarlet Mellet
S: yeah . . . So how old are you
A: 14
We sat in silence and I could tell something was on her mind.
S: what's wrong?
A: I'm fine
She crossed it out quickly and wrote nothing. It was then that I realised I could hear shouting and then a door slammed.
The phone call was from Zoë. She wanted me to come visit her sometime this week to film a video.
"Er Joe can you and your girlfriend leave? It's just that me and Scarlet have a date tonight and I want to like surprise -"
"You guys are dating?"
"Yeah" I was mad but miserable at the same time. I loved Scarlet. I wanted her to be mine but I guess that couldn't be. She was dating Caspar and she loved him with all her heart.
"How long for . . . ?"
"A few weeks"
I was furious. He had let her move in with him and they had fallen in love. I wish I had let Scarlet move in with me!
"But! You can't!" I shouted.
"I'm sorry she already loves me" he smirked.
I walked out of the house, slamming the door behind me.
I didn't know what to do.
I should probably go. I wrote
Are you sure? Your welcome to stay with me. I get really lonely sometimes. She replied and for a second I could see a glint of fear In her eyes.
Sorry I have to go.
Sure let me walk you out.
She opened the door for me and I timidly waved goodbye. She shut the door and I stood there wondering what to go. I still had Joes notebook in my hand but it was a shame because I probably would never see him again. I heard shouting coming from behind the door so I quickly walked off down the deserted street.
I saw a glint of brown hair shining in the sun just ahead and I found Joe sitting on the wall, crying. He hadn't heard me yet but his hands were in his hands. He looked up for a minute and I knew he saw me but he put his head back in his hands.
Climbing the wall, I sat down next to him in silence. I put my hand on his back and eventually he looked up.
What's wrong? I mouthed. I handed him the notebook and he began writing angrily.
Scarlet and Caspar are dating.
A: do you like her?
J: I've had a crush on her since I met her
A: I'm sorry
J: I knew I should have let her move in with me but my house wasn't ready at the time so Caspar let her
A: does she know you like her?
J: no
A: I'm sorry
We sat there in silence until he jumped off the wall. He wiped his eyes and wrote come back to mine?
I wasn't sure but just mouthed okay because I had nothing better to do.
Sorry for constantly changing POV's :)
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My best friend, my saviour | a Joe sugg fanfiction | by joesuggfics Where stories live. Discover now