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Sorry for the crappy chapter I completely forgot about updating

I had been awake the whole time. When he busted in the room and found me 'sleeping'. I was awake really.
Stupidly I hadn't wiped the tears away so there was still tracks on my cheeks but to be quite honest I didn't care. He came in and I expected him to just walk back out but he did something he never had done before. He kissed my foreheard.
I was completely not expecting that and I struggled to not flinch and the unexpected move. I heard a bit of talking then the door slammed and Caspar came barging in. He stood there for about a minute and then walked to his own room talking to himself.
I barely slept that night no matter how much I tried. Eventually I just gave up and quietly got out of bed. I pulled a chair up by the window and looked out to the empty streets of London. You couldn't see the starts because of all the street lights but I just stared into the endless darkness for hours. Not thinking but just staring into the void of darkness.
Hours later I eventually got up and went to the kitchen. I didn't feel like eating so I just sat at the breakfast bar and stared. I looked for my phone but then remembered it was still on the park floor.
Suddenly I felt a hand grab my chin and Caspar turned my head round and kissed me aggressively on the mouth. I broke free and thought about retaliating but I just got up and went to my room. He made me feel sick. Who knew someone as kind as Caspar could do something like that?
I woke up and remembered the events of last night. Scarlet.
I didn't get any of this and I grabbed my phone to call Connor but the I remembered he would most likely be asleep.
I stayed in bed and checked Twitter. Scarlet had tweeted last night at 4:30 ish.
@scarletmellet1995 sometimes I wish I could just disappear and no one would worry
I frowned. It was tweeted a while after I checked in on her which meant she must of woken up after.
I was confused about everything.

At 11:30 I was just sat eating my country crisp cereal when I remembered about scarlet. "Oh shit!" I said aloud, leaving the half eaten bowl where it was and grabbing my keys.
I urgently walked to Caspar's house, desperate to see scarlet. Last nights events had confused me but I didn't know whether to mention it or not. Maybe not.
I knocked on the door where a grumpy Caspar opened the door.
"Sorry for yesterday mate" I said as walked in and closed the door.
He just trotted to the kitchen and I followed after him. I saw the coffee maker hadn't been touched which mean that scarlet wasn't awake yet.
"Scarlets in her room" he said with his mouth full of coco pops. I cringed but was surprised she was awake.
I knocked timidly on the white door and her beautiful voice said come in however she didn't sound cheerful at all. In fact she kinda sounded mad.
I slowly closed the door and found her standing near the window looking out to the streets of London. Her lilac hair was in a messy bun she was wearing one of my huge t - shirts that she probably stole. She was so beautiful. Sugg 07 was written on the back and I couldn't help but smile at that. I loved everything about her and I thought I might have a crush on her.
I awkwardly came and stood behind her not knowing what to say.
"Are - are you okay?"
"What's up? Why are you just stood here?"
And it went on. Me asking her questions and her replying with short one word answers. Yes, no, yeah, etc.
He asked me questions but my mind was in a different world. I was thinking would it be easier to tell Joe but I was scared. Him and Caspar had been friends for years, I mean they could sort it out right? I wanted to just scream "Caspar fucking raped me" but no words came out from my mouth when I tried.
I was scared of Joe at the same time. If Caspar was capable of doing these things, that meant Joe was too.
I tried to bore Joe by replying with one word answers but he didn't leave no matter how much I tried. I tried to make it obvious I wanted him to leave but it looked like he was lost in his own world.
Joe needs to leave! She's going to say something about me to him. He's going to hate me but I love him too much. If the sick little bitch tells him he's gonna hate me for hurting his 'precious little Scarlet'.
I hated her. Why did she have to come between me and Joe. It's Jaspar not fucking Jasparlet. I just want the fucking cunt to die.
I have it all planned. I can just say it was an accident and no one would suspect a thing and Joe will be all mine. The plan was brilliant and I pretty sure anyone would agree to it.

Like I said, sorry for the crappy chapter I completely forgot and just spent a while adding punctuation and making sure it all made sense and was in the same tense.
Anyways thanks for reading this story I never thought anyone would actually read this at all and thanks for the votes. Please carry on. :)
Also because it took me so long to update I promise you a quick update this time. Im literally going to write it now. See ya.
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