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I was sat in my lounge watching t.v when I got a call from one of my favourite people ever. Scarlet.
"Hi Scarlet! What makes you call? Isn't it very late for you guys?" I said so happy that she called but a bit worried as it was 8pm so it must of been around three to four o'clock for them. (*)
"I just really needed to speak to you" her voice broke and I was very worried for her.
"Scarlet what's wrong?"
A clattering noise.
I heard a muffled scream followed by Let me go. What had happened?! Who was there?!
"Scarlet! SCARLET! What's wrong?" I said urgently.
There was a thump then just silence.
"SCARLET! Scarlet what's happening? SCARLET ARE YOU THERE?!"
I sat there shocked. Snap out of it Connor! Call Caspar Lee! He's her roommate, surely he must know if she's out and where she is.
"Hi there you have reached Caspar Lee. Sorry I am currently busy please leave a message after the beep -"
Dammit! Joe! Joe might not live with Scarlet but they was best friends and told each other everything.
"Why you calling me at 4am man?" Came the sleepy voice of Joe Sugg.
"Joe it's urgent! It's about Scarlet! She rang me and I could tell that she was crying but then I heard a scream and a 'let me go' and I don't know. I can't reach Caspar but can you check if she's okay. I mean it might be nothing but please check if she's in!"
"Holy shit! Alright I'm heading over there right now!"
"Alright tell me if she's alright after."
(* Sorry if this is wrong I just guessed because LA is like eight hours behind London )
Half an hour later I got a text from Joe.
J:She's fine. She's asleep. Caspar's phone had been out of charge. I don't know how you heard that scream but it definitely wasn't scarlet she's fine.
C: But how come the phone cut off and the scream was definitely from her.
J: idk man but I'm dead. I'll check tomorrow and text you when I can.
C: Alright night

I was having an strange dream. Scarlet and I were at a beach. Her ex a guy named Elijah was talking to her and then he tried to kiss her. She turned away and then came up to me. "I love Joe" she stated and kissed me.
I woke up out of my beautiful dream to the sound of my annoying iPhone ringing. I looked at the ID. Connor Franta. I sighed and wondered why he was calling me. Maybe it was an accident and he forgot about time zones. Nah Connor would never do that. It better be important.
"Why you calling me at 4am man?" I asked sleepily.
"Joe it's urgent! It's about Scarlet! She rang me and I could tell that she was crying but then I heard a scream and a 'let me go' and I don't know. I can't reach Caspar but can you check if she's okay. I mean it might be nothing but please check if she's in!" He's voice, normally cheerful, was nervous and I could tell he was seriously worried.
I was worried. What had happened to Scarlet?! Was she okay?!
"Holy shit! Alright I'm heading over there right now!"
"Alright tell me if she's alright after."
I rushed out of bed and grabbed a shirt. I furiously banged on Caspar's door and heard a little rustling. Caspar opened the door, rubbing his eyes.
"What the heck, Joe?"
"What the hell did you think you was doing?!" He screamed slamming me against the wall.
"Why the hell was you calling someone and telling them, you worthless skank!"
Suddenly, there was an urgent banging against the front door.
"Shut the fuck up and don't come out!" He whispered loudly, leaving the room to go answer the door.
I quietly slithered back into bed and held a hand over my mouth to keep in the load sobs. Hot tears fell from my eyes.
I heard the lock open then, "What the heck Joe?"
Caspar opened the door but I shoved past him and ran to Scarlets room. The door was shut and as I opened it I swear I heard some rustling. But Scarlet was there. Her lilac hair was in a messy bun which was unusual as she normally slept with her hair out and she was wearing a big thick hoodie. Surely she was hot. I carefully walked up to the bed but her beautiful green irises were shut. She was asleep for sure. I slowly pressed my lips to her temple but tasted saltiness. Why? Had she been crying?
I reluctantly walked away and closed the door slowly, were Caspar was stood angrily.
"What the fuck man you can't just knock on the door in the middle of the night and just barge in like you own the place?" He said pissed off.
I get that I might have just woken him up but he didn't have to be this much of a dickhead about it.
"Alright alright calm down casp I just wanted to make sure Scarlet was okay!"
"Yeah but-" I walked past him and just muttered "night Caspar".
I slowly walked home wondering what happened. Scarlet seemed fine but what happened with Connor. I quickly texted him.
J:She's fine. She's asleep. Caspar's phone had been out of charge. I don't know how you heard that scream but it definitely wasn't scarlet she's fine.
C: But how come the phone cut off and the scream was definitely from her.
J: idk man but I'm dead. I'll check tomorrow and text you when I can.
I was so sleepy but I wondered two things.
Was Connor making it all up?
And why was Scarlet crying?
(* Sorry for repeating the text conversation)

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My best friend, my saviour | a Joe sugg fanfiction | by joesuggfics Where stories live. Discover now