Have you met the Winchesters?

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"So you're telling me you escaped one of the most powerful demons in existence?" Bobby asked. I nodded, my head falling forward. The blood from my cheek now ran down into my mouth that was hanging open for air since my nose was broken. "Sam bring her down into the panic room," I heard Bobby say. "Ace, Ace. Stay with me," He pulled my head back up. A pair of strong arms lifted me up and carried me downstairs, setting me on a cot. "Just stay awake, okay?" Bobby pulled a stool and a small table up to the cot.

"Whatever you say Bob." I attempted to smile.

"Dean." Bobby said to the handsome guy with dirty blonde hair and green eyes.

"Mm?" Dean looked up at him. "Which one?" Bobby pointed at the blue box and Dean handed it to him. Once in hand, Bobby opened it up. It had a bunch of bandages, needles and whatever else he needed right now.

"What the hell did he do to you?" Bobby asked as he put a towel on my cheek that Sam handed him.

"I think the question is what he didn't do. What didn't they all do." I chuckled a little, my head tipping forward.

"Ace you have to stay awake." He took my jacket off my shoulder so he could see the huge cut in my shoulder.

"I either need to sleep or you need to get me some red meat, your choice." I tried to keep my head up.

"Sam." He nudged his head to the tall one. Sam went around the corner in the cellar and came back with a steak.

"It's raw." Sam said.

"Just give me the damn steak." I snapped. He handed it to me and I ate some while Bobby tried to get my arm and cheek to stop bleeding. "Just stitch 'em up. We can take them out tomorrow."

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"It's worth a shot." I shrugged. "I'm not going anywhere. My leg is forbidding that." I cringed. He pulled out a needle and fishing wire.

"Dean go get the whiskey." Bobby ordered.

"But we're almost out..." Dean started.

"Don't you start with me." Bobby snapped. Dean jogged upstairs getting it and coming back with the half a bottle of whiskey; handing it to Bobby.

"Just make it quick okay?" I asked. He nodded and took the blood soaked towel off my cheek, throwing it on the ground. He poured some whiskey on the gash which caused me to cringe. "Wait, wait. Give me that quick." I took the bottle from him and took a gulp. "Okay continue." I handed him the bottle and took a bite of the steak. He started stitching up my cheek, pausing every few seconds to pour some whiskey on it.

"That's as good as it's going to get." Bobby sighed, looking it over.

"That hurts like a bitch." I cringed and took another sip of the whiskey. At this point I was already feeling better, having gone through half of the steak.

"We still have your shoulder." He mentioned. I took my jacket off the rest of the way so it'd be easier to get to. My entire right arm was bruised and purple.

"By the way, I think my arm's broken." I decided to add in. He poured the whiskey all over my shoulder cut and started stitching it up. By the time he finished my shoulder, I had finished my steak.

"What did they do to your leg?" He asked. I slowly rolled up my left pant leg.

"It wasn't them completely. I jumped off the roof of a warehouse." I cringed as I looked at the misshaped leg. "It's kind of bad."

"I think I'm going to be sick." Dean turned around.

"It might be broken." Sam nodded.

"No shit. I can see where my bone is going and it's not straight!" I snapped. Bobby got up not being able to look at it anymore and walked out of the room with Dean following.

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