Maning the phones

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I woke up to Bobby making eggs, bacon and a bunch of other stuff. Dean was still asleep on the books. Sam was no where in sight.

"Bobby wanna toss me-" I got cut off by him throwing me a hamburger.

"Wake up boy." Bobby slapped Dean over the head with the newspaper.

"Yeah." Dean sat up startled.

"Wake up we're going to look into the demon case the state over." Bobby set a plate of eggs, bacon, sausage and toast in front of Dean. Dean didn't argue and began eating. Sam came down the stairs with wet hair. Bobby handed him a plate too.

"If we're all going on this case who's maning the phones?" Dean asked with a mouthful of sausage.

"Ace." Bobby said.

"Wait I didn't agree to this." I sat up throwing my legs off the side of the couch.

"Will you answer the phones while we're gone?" He asked annoyed.

"If you take these damn stitches out." He nodded grabbing the needle he used to put them in with last night. He put it under all the stitches in my cheek and ripped them out.

"Ow why the hell would you just rip them out!" I screamed.

"We're crunched on time." He put the needle under the stitches in my shoulder and ripped them out. They bled for a while but just a little. Enough that I could contain with a couple bandages. They'd look normal again in under a week. "Ace we're heading out. Here's the phone if one rings answer it and say you're cheif officer Wayte of whatever phone it is and to let us do our job. Okay?" Bobby explained.

"Alrighty Captain." I said as they went out the door. Then it was just me, myself and I in this big empty house. I've never been alone, ever. Not even as a child there was always someone else in whatever prison we were staying in. I was never left alone for one reason and one reason only. The ever lasting fear that I would escape. I guess it was kinda an unrealistic fear, but it was still the only fear my father ever had for me. That I would somehow leave, that even as an infant I would kill all the other demons watching me and leave the prison. But after twenty-two years his fear actually happened and he's living it now.

I could just see it. Him pacing around his room yelling at various demons who were still left. I could see him calling Azazel and end up getting Meg and then screaming at Meg because she didn't tell him about how Azazel died because some hunters killed him. Then he'd move on from Meg and call various other demons. No one would have answers to where I went or how I single handidly killed ten of his guards he had on me and then out ran five of them with the wounds I had. It was really outrageous if you thought about it but when you've planned it out to every single detail for the past ten years it's not that difficult.

I didn't really know what to do but just sit there so that's what I did for the first ten minutes. Then I decided to explore. Bobby's house wasn't really all that interesting. The only thing that made it different from any other house was the giant mess it was, the books everywhere and if you looked under any carpet or certian spots in the ceiling where it looked like he fixed a leak it was really just a way to cover demon traps. It's a good thing I don't get stuck in demon traps otherwise I'd be really pissed right now. After a while I realized there wasn't going to be anything interesting inside of Bobby's house so I went out into the scrap yard of cars. My leg had healed enough that I could limp on it and if necessary I could hop.

"Hey you! Freeze!" I heard from behind me. My head whipped around as quick as I could. "Put your hands in the air!" The cop yelled at me.

"Sorry?" I asked putting my hands up.

"Where's Bobby Singer?" The guy held a gun at me. He looked like a FBI agent by his suit and combed back hair.

"He went out for the day." I said.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" He asked putting the gun down.

"Abigail Moore. I'm house sitting." I said. Abigail was always my alias for whatever I was doing no matter what. I would need to change that soon because my dad could track me with that.

"Where did Bobby go?"

"Like I know. He asks me to house sit, gives me money and leaves then comes back later." I shrugged. I've got so good at lying that I can come up with something out of no where.

"We've lost him again. Damnit." The guy kicked the dirt. "Thanks for your help." He walked away pissed off. I contained my laughter and went back inside. I went through Bobby's freezer eating all his hamburgers. I was on my third when the phone rang.

"Hello. Captain Wayte." I answered. It was the FBI phone.

"Yes I'm here with your agents Philips, Johnson and Smith-" The girl started.

"If they're there then they are for a reason now let them do their job." I snapped.

"Oh okay. Sorry to bother you." She hung up.

"And that." I set the phone back on the holder and sat at the table putting my feet on it. "Is how you man the phones." I smirked taking a bite of my hamburger.


A/N: So this is sort of a filler chapter and it's kinda boring but I'll try having a more interesting chapter next time.

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