Sin City

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"Hey wake up." Dean shook my arm.

I was passed out in the backseat of the impala. As much as I hated sleeping it helped me heal faster and I wanted these stupid gun wounds gone.

"Yeah, where are we?" I rubbed my eyes.

"Elizabethville Ohio. A once sleepy town that now has prostitutes everywhere" Dean explained.

"Enchanting." I mumbled. "Where's Sam?" I looked up at the empty seat.

"Talking to a priest that watched the suicide."

"What suicide? How long have I been out?" I pulled my boots on.

"Two, almost three days." We got out of the impala. "We're insurance adjusters." Dean fixed his tie.

"You go in. I'm not dressed right." I sat on the hood of the impala.

"Go get me lunch." He tossed me the keys. "Mess my car up I'll kill you."

"Impossible." I laughed getting in the drivers seat.
I looked down at all the controls and laughed.
I've never drove a car.
Unless you count joy rides or getaways.

"Well this is a pickle now isn't it." I tapped the steering wheel. "Seat belt. Yup let's start there. And the key." I put my seatbelt on and started the ignition. I fumbled to figure out how to put it in drive and then I finally got it to move. "Just don't slam on the gas." I whispered to myself and pulled onto the road. "Don't hit anyone. Stop at red lights and stop signs. This is easy." Luckily no one was in front of me and I just coasted down the road without breaking 100mph. I was feeling pretty good until sirens went off behind me. Maybe I can just get him to let me go if I act like a stupid blonde. I pulled over and popped a few buttons on my flannel and pushed up my boobs.

"License and registration please?" He asked.

"Did I do something wrong officer?" I looked up at him all innocent until I saw his face. His face under his face. A demon.

"Hey Princess." He smirked.

"No. Ah nope nope!" I screamed pulling the car forward running over his foot. I backed up and ran him over. Got his head with the front tire. Score.

I went through the McDonalds drive through getting Dean a breakfast sandwich and me a Big Mac. As I drove back to the church I saw demon faces everywhere.

"We have a problem." I told Dean tossing him the sandwich.

"McDonalds is not real food." Dean muttered looking down at his sandwich.

"What's the problem?" Sam asked actually concerned.

"Demons. Everywhere." I bit into the Big Mac. "I gotta go or something they'll figure me out."

"How do you know they're demons?"

"I can see their faces. Like under the meat suit. And let me tell you we are not an attractive bunch." I finished off the burger tossing the wrapper in Dean's bag.

"Stay." Dean insisted. Sam looked at him odd. "She can see demon faces that will put us one step closer to figuring out what's going on around here."

"Yeah, stay." Sam looked at me annoyed.
I could tell he didn't like me just from a glance. Maybe because I was half demon, maybe because I'm just me or he wanted to be alone with his brother in their final months. But I was positive, Sam Winchester hated my guts.

We drove more into town, getting a motel room, finding one of Dean's old friends, then into town.

"Thought you said this was some old boarded up factory town?" Dean asked Sam.

I'm just kinda... SupernaturalWhere stories live. Discover now