Iron Storybooks: The Preperations

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SUP FOLLOWERS! Yupp, I admit it: I'm a GaLe addict. I just couldn't bare to go on with my life without doing a GaLe novel of my own! ((=>0<=)) So excited! GRRR! Sorry I talk so much. And now, without further ado, I give you... IRON STORYBOOKS CHAPTER ONE!

A beautiful day like this one deserved a walk in the park. The sun was shining, the spirits were lifted for the upcoming Magnolia Festival. There would be rides, game booths, performances, everything! Levy could hardly hold in her excitement.

Not paying attention, she tripped over a brick on the sidewalk, only to find herself in big, bulky arms instead of a face full of concrete. She looked up and saw the broad figure of Gajeel Redfox. Blush flowered through her cheeks as she tried to regain balance.

"Oi, Shrimp," Gajeel sighed. "You ought to watch where you're going, or else you could get hurt!" he helped her up and crossed his arms.

"I-I'm sorry," Levy stuttered. "You're right, I should have been watching where I was going instead of daydreaming." she didn't look at Gajeel. Th blue haired girl focused her gaze on a store's door.

Gajeel sighed again. "It's fine," he assured her. "I was looking for you anyways."

More red found it's way to Levy's color pallet face. Why on earth would Gajeel be looking for her?

"Master gave me this and told me to give it to you," he held out a piece of paper. "He said that this was your thing." Levy took the paper from his hands and read it. 'Decryption of ancient runes in Oak City. Protection advised.'

"I need help with this?" she asked herself quietly. But, being a Dragonslayer, Gajeel heard her loud and clear.

"Why the hell would you need help with something like this?" the iron Dragonslayer asked irratatedly. "You're an expert at this."

"No, it says I need help," she held the paper up to his face and pointed to a section. "Protection advised." then Levy tore the sheet away and shoved it in her satchel. "I guess I'll need to ask someone at the guild." Levy started to walk off in Fairy Tail's direction when a hand on her shoulder stopped her.

"Hold up, Shortstack," he called her by yet another of his size-related nicknames. "What are you going to the guild for?"

Levy started to get annoyed. "Do I have to show you the paper again?" she asked.

"That's not what I'm getting at," Gajeel shook his head. "You need protection, so why don't I go with you?"

"Huh?" Levy wanted to make sure she heard him correctly.

"Are you deaf?" Gajeel rolled his eyes.

"N-No," her face burned. "Nevermind. We'll leave tomorrow if you're going with me."

Then she walked away, blush still staining her cheeks. Had she been too straight forward? Levy shook her head and quickened her pace. She needed to get home and pack for tomorrow's job.

Finally, Levy reached her home in Fairy Hills. She fumbled for her key that had most likely made its way to the bottom of her satchel. Her fingers touched cool metal and she grasped the key, pulling it out with a flourish. Inserting the key in the lock, she pushed the door open and found her home, like always, cluttered with every kind of literature.

Levy flung her satchel onto the couch and tiptoed over books, trying to make her way to her bedroom. 'My suitcase!' she thought suddenly. 'Where is my suitcase?' Levy's tiny hands grappled through her closet hurriedly until her gaze landed on an orange case.

After packing what she needed, she threw herself on her bed, her face landing on a pillow. Levy was about to doze off when she heard a loud knock at the door. Her head shot up and she looked around her room. No unmeansionables, no personal things, okay. It was alright to let whomever was at her door in he house.

"Come in!" Levy called, her voice came out in a small squeak.

The door creaked and heavy footsteps thumped through the house. They were hesitant, but serious all the same. Levy had a strange feeling at the pit of her stomach. She knew EXACTLY who had entered her home.

"Oi, Shrimp!" there it was: the confirmation of her suspicions. "Where the hell are you? Buried under these books?" there was a fluttering sound what Levy guessed was Gajeel moving around one of her many piles of books.

"Hold on a minute!" she called. She got up and hopped over her things and quickly out of the room, closing the door to her back. Suddenly, she realized hat Gajeel was right in front of her. For the umpteenth time that day, her face went red.

Gajeel must have noticed. "You better not have any sake in there," 

"N-No!" Levy sputtered. "I'm not Cana..." she looked at her shoes.

"Good thing!" Gajeel laughed loudly, making Levy jump. "Don't want a drunk on our trip!" 

Levy smiled nervously. Even though she had nothing to hide, she'd rather not have the Dragonslayer in her room. 

"Are you packed yet?" Gajeel asked. 

"Mhmm..." she answered with a nod of her head. 

"Good," he patted her shoulder. "Cuz we're leaving sooner than expected, Shrimp!" 

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