Good Terms?

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A/N: (Photo above is a visualization of the character Fallen). Also going to be including lots more media just to help the story come alive. Tell me how you guys like it. Enjoy

Tina POV:
I look over towards the girl she called. I couldn't see her face. I only noticed that she had short blonde hair and a very nice body. She came to sit down and I didn't look over at her much.

"Hey Fall, this is Tina. She's my roommate. She's cool. Tina, this is Fallen, she just got here.", Gabby introduces us.

I glimpse at her and say hello as she does the same with a very bright voice. But she then started to stare at me as if something was on my face or something, but then looked back at Gabby to resume conversation.

"Something looks different about you from yesterday...", Gabby says to Fallen

"Yeah, I cut my hair", she says

I look back at Fallen's face and notice that I'd seen her before. I almost couldn't recognize her for the haircut. But she had a distinct face and just stood out too much. Where did I see her? I know! The pretty girl. The one that Tyler rushed me out of his cabin for. All that happened that day made me forget all about her even showing up.

She clearly didn't good much of a glimpse of me because judging from her face, she was still wondering where she'd seen me before. But after her looks, I noticed that she had just given up on it. Trying to think about who I was. All I wonder now is if she's a real threat or not. Tyler pushed his own girlfriend out of the door just to "talk" to this female that instantly lowered my self esteem. I'm tired of sugar coating the question now. I wonder if he fucked her. That's all I thought about but I had eventually moved past it. All three of us had started getting deeper into conversation and found ourselves in a deal of laughter. I was actually getting along with other females. This is new to me and I was doing great.

"I'll be back guys, I have to throw my tray away", I tell them before walking over to the trash can and throwing my styrofoam food tray into it.

As I make my way back, I notice a new face at the table . Well I'll be...

It was Tanya, that bitch that lied about Tyler being hers. I was stuck between just turning around and going to the cabin and just being a bold bitch and walking over there. I knew getting along with other females was all too good to be true. They hang out with... Her. She's delirious. Fuck it, this is going to be awkward.

I head to the table and sit back down. Gabby begins introducing us...

"Tanya this is Ti-",Gabby starts

"We've met.", she says, just glancing over at me.

"But I don't like the way we met. I think we should start over. Hey, I'm Tanya Woodwin", she begins with a bright smile

I didn't know what was going on here but if she was being nice then I didn't mind.

"Hello. I'm Christina.", I bluntly reply

She smirks at me

"Well I have to go lead a camp activity. It was nice re-meeting you, Tina", Tanya says before getting right back up from the table and leaving.

She sounded genuine. So I went along. I smile at her as she walks away.


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