No Sleep

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Tina's POV:

It's like 2:00 in the morning and I can't sleep because it's so cold and I'm scared of the outdoors. Should I wake Tyler? I don't want to bother him. I quietly whine because I can't sleep because of how cold it is. It was so hot yesterday in the day. But was freezing now.. 😪

I keep whining to express how uncomfortable I was, and accidentally woke Tyler up.

"You okay?", he asks me quietly

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up I just couldn't get any sleep because of how cold it is out here and I don't like the outdoors.. And I can't--", I get cut off by a kiss

And no no no. No regular kiss. But a passionate kiss. He continues as he reaches for my shirt to pull it up until
I stop him

"Umm. What are you doing???", I ask .. Ruining the moment actually

"Oh.. Uh nothing.. I was just fucking around .." , awkward..

"I know what you were trying to do. I don't really feel like I'm ready for that yet", I say in a shy tone

"Oh well I'm so sorry I didn't wanna rush you or anything. I mean .. Whenever you're ready. I'm so sorry"

I'm so mad. Why didn't I just let him continue?? I'm Angry with myself right now

He continues to speak "Come over here, I don't want you to be cold anymore", he cuddles with me and we fall asleep together. This time.. For good.


Me and Tyler both jump to the sound of the SAME old bitch with her speaker horn thingy. Fuck it. But anyways, she says: "we are going to put off our camping activities due to our cold night weather. Everyone can return to their cabins. Some power in some our gone. These are the following cabins with no power.."

She called my cabin number. My power was off in there. Why?

"You can stay in my cabin", Tyler says with his super sexy sleepy voice.

"Oh my gosh thank you", I say

"Now come on", he says picking me
Up and taking me back to his cabin and laying me on his bed.. Knowing I was still slightly sleepy since it was only about 6 or 7 o' clock.

"I'll be back. I'm gonna go get my tent and stuff. You could watch tv and take a nap if you want", he grabs the remote.. Cuts the tv on, then leaves.

Instead of watching tv or sleeping I wanted to do a little experiment. I grabbed my polka dot leggings and cut the top half off so they made thigh highs. And next I cut the straps off of my polka dot bra. Then got my polka dot boy shorts. It all matched. I got up and looked in his fridge looking for some type of drink. I found some wine and poured two glasses of it. It was now perfect. I sat back on the bed poking my chest out. Ready for him to come back. I heard someone wiggle to door knob. I know it's him. I open the door to find a girl in a black robe.

I cover myself up "Um who are you?", I ask with a nonchalantly rude tone

"I'm Tanya, Tyler's girlfriend and who are you, bitch?", she says slightly shoving me

"No actually I'm Tyler's girlfriend.. Christina .. Get it right!"

"Are you fucking kidding me?!?", she storms Off.

Tyler comes back about 15 minutes later
And opens the door

"Woaahh!", his jaw drops to the floor as I walk over to him slowly

"Ya know Tyler", I say taking his shirt off

"Some things are overly worth it. Know what I mean?", I pull him to the bed and get on top of him. I kiss his lips and then move down to his stomach.

"Can Tanya do this??"I say, leaving Tyler confused ..


A/N: So sorry if I have any mistakes I really been needing someone to make these with because my friend that was making this story with me just left me hanging. So I might be looking for someone to help. And school has me busy.

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