{2: and so it begins}

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"It's now or never, babe. Choose wisely."


The bus came to a screeching halt, waking Harry from his thoughts pertaining to Megan, mostly wondering why she had chosen him of all people when they've never spoken and she clearly has a boyfriend, whom Harry is afraid of. She obviously didn't mind her immoral actions, and Harry couldn't say he minded either, but he was kinda scared to step into this type of trouble.

Harry spotted her blonde waves, swaying as she made her way towards the steps of the bus, her hand holding her phone that was pressed tightly to her ear. He waited until she completely stepped off to make his way down the bus aisle, almost tripping on the uneven mat that laid it's way along the aisle, his gaze trying to keep up with Megan instead of his quick strides.

Once his sneaker clad feet smacked against the pavement, he made his way down the sidewalk, keeping a good distance from Megan and himself, but he could slightly hear her voice as it spoke to someone on the other end of the phone. Her voice was distressed and she seemed irritated, Harry catching a small phrase from her conversation "I know you're lying to me" and that's all it took for Harry to realize it was probably her boyfriend trying to make up some kind of excuse for his reckless behavior.

Harry imagined himself being a hero in this moment, taking the phone from her and telling her boyfriend off, gaining a reward in return, such as a hug or a kiss on the cheek like in the movies, but that wasn't going to happen. Harry was not going to be a hero, he would not be doing anything bold like that, choosing to stay well behaved, at least for now.

Once her house came into view, he chose to speed up his steps, knowing his house was coming up soon. As she turned to walk up her front porch ending her call, Harry never tore his gaze from her and the moment she opened her front door, she turned her attention towards Harry. With a genuine smile that made Harrys heart flutter, she disappeared behind the wood, leaving Harry giddy.

He practically sped walk the rest of his way, the idea of calling Isaac and telling him everything that happened to him, knowing he would freak out because of this monumental news. Once Harry arrived home, he ran to his room in a haste, throwing his bag down and digging for his phone. He clicked the call button, excitedly awaiting Isaac's voice.

"Isaac is speaking."

"You will not believe what happened on the bus today." Harry spoke quickly, wanting to explode about all the things that surprisingly happened to him.

"Hm let me guess, you got a blow job from your lover Megan because you're wild like that." Harry couldn't help but laugh at the guess Isaac had in mind because he was aware of Harry's huge crush on Megan and always teased him about stuff like this.

"For once your guess is somewhat correct, but without the blow job."

"Harry styles are you fùcking with me right now?"

"I can't say that I am." Harry held such a wide smile, his heart beating fast at the thought of what happened, Isaac making the whole situation so much better.

"OH SH-" Isaacs words becoming muffled as a hard thud was heard from his end. "TELL ME MORE!"

Harry couldn't help but feel so happy, excited to share all the details involved in his wild afternoon. He began his story about how she approached him and her very last words spoken to him, not forgetting to explain how she touched him or kissed him for the first time, touching his lips at that moment, holding the memory and feeling perfectly in his mind. Isaac was in so much disbelief, genuinely happy for his best friend and didn't care that Harry was practically transporting Isaac into the moment with his explanation, he loved seeing Harry like this. He couldn't forget to add that Harry should forget about her relationship status because she obviously doesn't mind and ended it with a 'you need to defiantly tap that' causing the bubbly laughter from harry to sound through the phone.

Bus Ride {hs}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt