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       "I can cure virginity, you know"


The pristine silence of the bus was soon disrupted by the younger students bounding onto the steps in large groups, occupying the seats at the very front. Harry had been the first inside the bus today, a piercing headache dampening his mood and heightening his want for alone time. The loud animalistic noises emitting from their mouths and laughs that merged together all at once did not help, anger burning inside of him and he wished to be home, preferably beneath his bed sheets. After shooting a quick text to Isaac, stressing his hatred for loud people, the one person that calmed just a bit of that anger stepped onto the bus. Her shade of green eyes immediately met Harry's, her lips forming into a smile as she made her way towards the seat he currently occupied.

With a sigh that was somewhat masked by the roaring of the bus engine starting up, Megan rested her body in the seat adjacent to his. She pulled the straps on her bag from her shoulders and pushed it against the back of the seat. With another sigh she rubbed her temples and finally peered up at the hesitant boy, with her full attention solely on his being. "Why must they screech like zoo animals?" She said with an irritated grimace as she rubbed her temples for a second time. Harry couldn't help but appreciate that he wasn't the only one raging over the annoying sounds, a closed mouth smile forming on his lips. Harry's dimples were prominent at this moment and Megan did not overlook them.

"Harry your dimples..." Her lips turned into a teasing smirk," they make you look so innocent."

Harry wasn't sure how to respond, his hands fidgeting in his lap as he racked his brain for any words to spew from his mouth but hadn't come across any, so he sat with the small smile upon his face with his 'innocent' dimples on display. Thankfully Megan didn't want to end the conversation, continuing on.

"Are you innocent though?"

"Pardon?" Harry questioned, looking as innocent as ever to the needy eyes of Megan, but he honestly didn't know what Megan was referring to during this encounter.

"Are you a virgin?"

Harry could've died in this moment, his face collecting heat as he uncomfortably shifted in his seat cause he had never been asked such a personal question before. "Uh..that's kinda personal..don't you think?"

"Not personal enough, Harry." She moved closer to the edge of her seat so she could speak low so he could only hear," You see I know you're enjoying this, you like personal questions that make you uncomfortable and whither in your seat, you want me to do things to you no matter what it is simply because... you want me." Her eyes traveled over his body, stopping at the skin exposed from Harry's v-neck.

Harry was completely dumbfounded by her abrupt words but he didn't take any of it the wrong way because she was correct on so many levels, it was scary. He did enjoy this, oh boy did he enjoy this and he did only comply because he wants her even if he knows this will all be a huge mistake, it's better to live in the moment and say fùck it.

"I am a virgin." He finally confessed, feeling like he was being thoroughly analyzed by the beautiful goddess, once his words were spoken.

"Well you're in luck, I can cure virginity, you know" she couldn't help but smile at her joke, but she knew she wasn't just meaning it as a joke. Harry let out a loud laugh, throwing his head back as he chuckled at her attempt that he found so captivating. Megan watched the skin of his neck, the bobbing of his adam's apple, knowing she wouldn't be able to hold herself back much longer.

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