Chapter 7

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You ever felt empty. Like you're walking around with no feeling. That's how I felt when I thought I almost lost the most important people in my life.

That day started out calm and joyous.


Jackson and I walk into the hospital smiling and laughing about some corny jokes he was telling me.

"Babe I told you I'm hilarious." He says with a smile.

"Jackson I'm laughing because those jokes are so corny." I say with a laugh as he starts to frown.

"Whatever." He says rolling his eyes.

"Let's go get ready for the day." He says as he leads me to the locker room.

We go in and get changed for the day. As I am leaving to go look for an assignment to do Jackson pulls me back to kiss me. He kisses me so softly and with passion. We pull apart.

"See you later babe." He says as he releases me.

I wave to him as I walk to the elevator. I get in the elevator with Lexie and this man who looks really familiar. I start to talk to Lexie about plans for after work when the man ask where he could find Derek.

"Oh you just walk across the walkway by the glass entrance and you'll find his office." Lexie replies.

He says thank you as he gets off the elevator. 

I tell Lexie I'll see her later as she gets off the elevator. I go to the PEDS floor to work with Arizona.

Arizona and I are doing rounds when she get an alert. Her face shifted from smiling to worried.

"Arizona what's wrong?" I ask.

She pulls me to the corner and tells me there's an active shooter in the hospital. My heart suddenly begins to beat faster. An active shooter I repeat in my head trying to process this.

"Malika." She calls at me.

I snap out of my daze and look at her.

"We need to secure this area and make sure no one comes in and out."

I nod at this and being to move some of the children out of vision from the entrances. Before I close the door I see Callie run to it. I quickly let her in and close the door. As Arizona, Callie, and I are waiting to hear any news my mind beings to wonder about the safety of my friends and boyfriend. I try to stay positive and think that they are all okay but I feel like something is wrong. After hours of waiting and praying nothing happens to anyone in the hospital the police finally come to get us. I run out of the room looking for Jackson and Alex. I start to panic because I couldn't find them. I sit down in a corner trying to calm myself down when I see Lexie run up to me with blood on her. I jump up and begin to inspect her for any wounds wondering where the blood came from. She holds my hands to stop me from searching and tells me it's Alex's blood.

I look up in horror afraid that I had lost my best friend, my brother.

Lexie senses my shift in emotion. She quickly tells me that he was hurt really bad but her and Sloan saved him. I start to cry tears of joy when she says this.

I am put at ease for a while with this news. But I start to worry about everyone else who I didn't see.

Then Kepner comes out looking scared as ever. I run up to her asking her what happened. She starts to cry as she says Derek has been shot. What the hell is going on I think in my head. Why tf is everyone I care about getting hurt?
I ask her what is the status. She says she doesn't know the shooter told her to get out of there before he shoots her.

"April please tell me you did not leave Derek bleeding out on the floor with the shooter!!!" I yell at her.

She opens to her mouth to say something but all that comes out is sobs.

I want to kill her but I know I need to stay calm and remain hopeful.

I am sitting outside with my head down wondering where the hell Jackson could be and if Derek is dead or alive.

Someone taps me on the shoulder. I look up to see Jackson. I launch into his arms and hug him tightly. I kiss his face over and over again.

"Oh my god. I thought I lost you." I cry into Jacksons shoulder.

He runs his hands through my hair and says "I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere.

We stay in the position for what seems like forever. I was afraid of letting him go. That's when I realized I love him.

"I love you" I whisper in his ear.

"I love you too" He whispers in mine.

I could stay in this moment forever.

My mind then flashed to Derek.

"Jackson, how is Derek doing?" I ask afraid of the answer.

"He's fine we saved him." He tells me in a calming tone.

He rubs my shoulder as we hug each other.

*Flashback ends*

That day was one of the worst days of my life.

That Avery Boy * A Jackson Avery Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now