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We walked to Jonathan's house after I asked my parents if it was.  okay for me to stay the night, surprisingly they said yes. But only because they're going on a road trip without me for a week. When we got to Jonathan's apartment, he opened the door and we walked in. It was small, but nice. He put his stuff down and sat on the couch. A cat like creature came and sat in his lap.

"You have a cat?" I asked smiling. He smiled, looking up at me. "No this is my friend, Shion." He said smiling. The cat sat up, swaying its tail. "It's nice to meet you, Cameron Kanade."

I jumped back a little. "U-um did he just talk?" I asked, surprised. "And how does he know my name?" I added. The cat sways his tail and purrs as Jonathan pets him.

"This little guy is what made me a hunter." He says looking up at me. I looked back at him "A hunter? What's that?" Shion looked up at me scratching his ear. "Hunters are ones destined to a life of fighting the demons that hide in this world." Shion says swaying his tail again. "Hunters are made by forming a contract with me in exchange for one wish. Any wish he or she desires."

"Really?... Any kind of wish?" I ask looking at him.

"Yes I can make even the most impossible of wishes come true." Shion says swaying his tail.

I thought to myself about all the wishes I could make but than the fighting demons part hit me. I looked back at him. "Then what are these demons?" He looks back at me.

"Demons are shy and reclusive in nature, they hide in there own little worlds they make called a labyrinth. They usually hide in places were they can feed on the despair of furs. Abandoned buildings, dark alleys and other places were it is easy for them to lure there victims to there death."

I shivered at the thought of that. "That's horrible."I say looking at him.

I look at Jonathan. "D-Do you really fight those horrible things?"

"Yes, I risk my life protecting the city from the demons." He sighed. "You know all those unexplained suicides and those murders with out a motive and all those missing people." "A large number of those are caused by a demons influence." he said with his head and ears down.

"But its the life I live now because if I hadn't made the contract with shion I would not be apart of this world." He said as he looking back up at me and smiles a little.

After we finished talking Jonathan made diner for us and we watched TV on the couch till it was late.

Than he got up. "Would you like to sleep in my room? I'll sleep on the couch." He said yawning. I smiled and said, "No its okay I'll sleep on the couch." He said okay and gave me a pillow and blanket and went to his room and we went to sleep.

~~~time skip to the middle of the night ~~~

I woke up in the middle of the night to see it was raining hard and thundering. I got up and went to use the bathroom after that, on the way back I heard whimpering and crying coming from Jonathan's room. I looked in to see him tossing and turning in his bed as tears ran down his cheeks in his sleep. I walked in and got in the bed with him and pulled him close to me putting the covers on us. He started to calm down as he laid his head on my chest. I wiped his tears away stroking his hair softly, resting my head on top of his, holding him close till I fell asleep.

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