Chapter 4

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I managed to survive my first week of school successfully, even though the principal continued to give me a hard time about my 'party appropriate' attire until he realized that his repetitive remarks went from one ear and directly out of the other. The only friend I made was Jewel, we sat together at lunch everyday and she was always over-excited about everything and anything, when I would rather just keep to myself. I tried my best to seem friendly enough and I think she noticed how bored I was with her conversations, but she tried to act unfazed by it. I appreciated her for that. I met a guy named Joshua in English Literature class who sat beside me. I actually liked him, and he seemed decent enough for me to give him some of my precious time. He was an exchange student from Australia, and I related to him about how he feels out of place here, because I feel the same way, if not more. And thankfully, all through this week, I only saw glimpses of Harry with some of his friends and the occasional sluts following him around. He would either wink or wave at me to which I would scoff and walk away. Only one time he dared to approach me in the halls but I flicked him off behind my back and scurried away in the swarms of students so he wouldn't be able to reach me.

It was my second week at this shithole of a school, and I was sitting all by myself in a remoted table in the far corner so no one would spot me. Jewel claimed she had to research something in the library for Physics class but I couldn't find it in myself to believe her, because she stuttered on her words and couldn't seem to make up a coherent sentence, and she told me sometime last week that she wasn't going to take the Physics course until the next semester. But oh well, it's not like she hurt my feelings or something, I could care less about her whereabouts as long as I have someone to sit with me during lunch. Apparently, the corner wasn't as isolated as I imagined, seeing as Harry was making his way over to my table. I pretended that I didn't hear the scraping of the chair or the clearing of his throat, and that I was very interested with the task at hand, which was eating.

"Della, aren't you usually accompanied by Jewel?" Harry questioned.

I looked up at him only to be met with the a playful smirk on his face, and I was surprised about his newly acquired information.

"How the hell do you know my name? I don't recall mentioning it to you." I rudely said.

"I have my ways." He cockily replied.

"Good for you. Unfortunately, I won't speak one word with you unless you tell me how you found out."

"A bit stubborn, aren't we?" I looked back down at my food and nibbled at the remaining pieces of my sandwich, and refused to answer him. A few silent moments surfaced between us until he heaved a breath of defeat when he realized I won't give in.

"Jesus okay I'll tell you on one condition though."

"And that would be?" I motioned with my hand for him to continue.

"You would go out with me tonight." He confidently requested.

Harry probably saw the creeped out look on my face because he was quick to clarify, "Not as a date, just a social engagement so that you'll believe that I'm honestly a virtuous human being."

I thought about his offer for a while. My first decision was to spill the remnants of my strawberry milkshake on his luscious hair and make a run for it, but the more logical and dominant side of me decided that giving him a chance wouldn't be so bad, plus I would at least find out how he knew my name.

"Okay," I huffed out, "but only because I'm curious about your knowledge of my name, not because I have any time I'm willing to waste on you.''

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Harry was about to get off the chair and leave, but I stopped him.

"Don't you at least want to know my address?" I questioned him.

"Oh. Don't you think I already do?" He winked at me one last time before pushing himself off the table as I watched his long lean legs scurry away from me.

The rest of the day passed by in a blur of students, teachers, and heaps of books that I couldn't balance. I didn't catch a glimpse of Jewel after her rushed departure at lunch time. However, when I was getting into the car to head back to my aunt's house, I saw her and contemplated whether I should go up and talk to her or not, but I decided that getting to my bed was my main priority. When I arrived back home, I didn't bother to have lunch, I just slept until it was time for my "social engagement" with Harry. I put on a white crop top and black shorts and waited impatiently for his arrival in the complex's lobby, while incessantly tapping my foot against the carpeted floor. My head snapped up when I heard footsteps entering from the electronic glass doors. Harry stood before me, wearing his casual clothing with an olive green bandanna, pushing his hair back from his face.

''I texted you to meet me outside. I've been here for ten minutes." He greeted, clearly annoyed.

"I don't frequently use my phone. And how the hell do you know everything about me?" I stood up and tried to loosen the strangles that formed through my hair. I walked out of the lobby before him and got into his car, wanting to just get this over and done with. He followed not long after and I couldn't help but notice how he always seemed to smell of aromatic, fresh herbal amber.

He drove at full speed the whole way and passed all the red lights without a care in the world. I didn't bother to ask him where we were going because I was fine with absolutely anything he picked out as long as it didn't involve him kidnapping me by the end of the night. He pulled the car over at the waterfront, and he motioned for me to get out. We walked slowly for a bit in a surprisingly comforting silence, until he spotted a hot dog cart and finally spoke up.

"Do you want one?" I just nodded my head indifferently. He stepped up to the front and ordered two hot dogs. He paid for both of them, and I would have argued with him over being capable of paying for my own self, but I forgot to bring money with me. After finishing our sandwiches in the same peaceful silence, I decided to start interrogating him. After all, that's why I'm here with him anyway.

"So, care to explain?" I finally spoke up.

He looked a bit surprised that I was initiating a conversation with him but quickly recovered and replied. "Yeah,sure." He wiped his mouth with a napkin and took a sip of his coke, then continued. "I actually got my information from your friend Jewel. That's why she wasn't with you during lunch today, if you're wondering. But do not be mad at her, it was hard to get it out of her, but I can be pretty convincing when I need to be."

"I won't be mad. I could care less as long as you pretend you don't have the information she gave you, and you won't use it again." My eyes narrowed at him, then I directed my gaze back at the blue waves that were crashing at a steady speed against the shore.

"I'm only trying to be friends with you, why are you like that?" He seemed a little sad, if I say so myself, but I wouldn't let myself fall into his evil scheme.

"I don't want to befriend you or anyone in that stuck up school. I'm here out of my will, and the last thing I want is someone like you chasing after me and toying with me."

A taxi passed by and I immediately waved at it and hurried to catch it before it drove away. Harry caught my arm the exact same way he did the first night we met, but the only difference was that the urge to slap him was gradually increasing. I pulled my arm out of his tight hold and ran to the awaiting taxi. I got in quickly and told the driver my address so Harry wouldn't come after me.

Whatever Harry and anyone in this school have planned for me, I'm not going to fall for it because I know better than to believe their sick, twisted lies. I'm just here because fate decided to fuck me up in an instant, but I'm going to try not to fuck everything up even more.

Hiraeth // H.S.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora