Chapter 5

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The constant beeping of the annoying alarm woke me up from my deep slumber earlier than the usual routine, because I hated going with my aunt's chauffeur, so it's been a habit of mine to go walking all by myself. I managed to get out of my bed, and groggily stomped my way to the bathroom where I got ready, or as ready as I can. I wore my uniform which still didn't abide by the school's dress code, and won't in a million years. I grabbed an apple on my way out, not bothering with a proper breakfast like the one my aunt prepares for her son every morning. When the glass doors opened for me to step out, I was bewildered by the sight of none other than the infamous Harry Styles leaning against the hood of his black Cadillac.

"Let's make a deal and shake on it right now." He hurriedly exclaimed with his energetic demeanor that I totally lacked. I had some very flamboyant words I wanted to spew in front of his godly face, but I chose to remain calm because it was too early for me to get too worked up. I walked away and pretended not to see him because I'm guessing that's the only way he'd give up, even though it didn't work out in past situations like this.

He caught up to me in his car and stepped out, rushed towards me, and repeatedly begged for me to stop and listen. I don't know why the hell I decided to turn around and listen to whatever bullshit he has planned, but I think it had something to do with the softness of his voice and the fact that he was waiting for me at 6:30 in the morning. And that fact made me realize something.

I turned sharply to face him, and he was taken by surprise from my abrupt spin. I quickly took a step back though because our faces were so close, our lips almost touched.

"How the fuck do you know when I go to school?" I asked while glaring at him.

"I don't actually. I've been here since 6:00 because I've gotten to know you well enough in the past three weeks to figure that you'd wake up early enough to be the only human being roaming the streets." And there it was, Harry's annoying, sarcastic self, making a grand reappearance.

"If you were willing to wait for so long then you must've come here for something important. What do you want?"

"I don't know what stupid impression I seem to have implanted in that crazy head of yours, or all boys in general, but I want to ch-"

As soon as the words tumbled out of his mouth, I turned on my heels again and went on with my trek in the opposite direction of Harry.

"-ange it" He quietly mumbled. "Can you bloody listen for a second?" His voice raised a little in volume, and I could sense his patience evaporating into thin air. I faced him again, for what felt like the hundredth time, and cocked my eyebrow as a sign for him to proceed.

"As I was saying, I have a deal for you. We landed on the wrong foot, and you managed to intrigue me in those three weeks faster than anyone else did in my seventeen years of being." He paused to take a deep breath, and looked at me for a moment to check if I had anything to say, and when he realized that I didn't, he continued. "We're going to hang out in school, and non school hours as good friends for a whole month until you decide if I'm worthy of your time. And if I'm not, I promise not to bother you again. I just need you to agree on this."

I thought about his offer for a while. Harry was the only one in my new school who seemed to make some effort to get to know me, aside from Jewel who was friendly enough, but I could feel like she would much rather be hanging out with anybody else, and he has been patient with me for being rude all the time. And to be honest, I don't think he's that bad, even though I was quick to judge him. I guess it wouldn't hurt anyone if we became friends, or at least tried to.

"One month Styles. Don't waste it." I boldly commanded.

"Oh and one last thing, no matter how annoying I'm being, you cannot back out of the deal. Once you're in, there's no backing out until the month ends. Do we understand each other, Doll?"

Hiraeth // H.S.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora