Behind the oaks

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"Move out of the way loser!" A voice shouts as I fall to the floor.

My books are spilt everywhere, and everyone is laughing.

This is my life, everyday, every hour, every minute.

My name is Zoe, and I am known as the geek, nerd, loser, and whatever mean or offensive name you can think of. I'm a sophomore, so that means I have three more years of this to live through. I've been dealing with this since the 6th grade. I was cool in elementary school. I had tons of friends, the other kids loved me, but once I got my braces on in 6th grade everything changed. The kids called me rude names like metal mouth, and the human train track. It bothered me at first but the feeling became normal. It was like an everyday ritual such as brushing your teeth and taking a shower. I got my braces off in the beginning of 8th grade, but people still bullied me. For a while I thought things would actually get better, well they didn't. In fact they got worse. People called me a try hard because of my grades, and inappropriate because of my clothes. My clothes aren't even inappropriate... whatever. I guess once people start bullying you, they won't stop. They just take every flaw you have and use it against you, but besides that I'm fairly happy... I guess.

Right then I realize that I'm still sprawled out in the middle of the hallway, and people are still staring. A tear trickled down my cheek. Crap. They can see that I'm vulnerable. I get up, and walk away as quickly as possible. I get up, gather my books, and walk away as fast as I can

_________later at home________

"Hey sweetie", my mom shouted in the most loud and embarrassing voice as possible, "how was school"?

"Fine I guess".

"Is something wrong hon"?

"No I'm fine".

"I'm fine is a girls biggest lie".

"Mom, where the heck did you hear that."

"From this website on the Internet called tumelor! It seems like something that you'd like!"

I have a tumlr, my mom just doesn't know. I wonder how my mom found out about tumblr? ugh whatever.

" It's called tumlr".

"Yea Zoe! That's what I said"!

"Yep, you did".

My mom doesn't know that I'm getting bullied. If she did, I would probably be locked in a box, cut off from the rest of the human race. I ran up to my room and started blasting the song "caraphernelia" by pierce the veil. Ptv is my favorite band. Their music just speaks to me. I lay on my bed and start to cry. I honestly am tired of this. I feel that I just want to give up. Maybe, I'll run away, and never return. I don't want to die, just disappear. I just feel like a screw up. Maybe one day things will change, but for now all I can do is wait and see if something will happen. Probably not, this has been my life for the past five years, why would it change now? Maybe I should just take my mind off it for a while. I sit down and start to do my geometry homework. I don't get it. Math hates me, just like everyone else on the face of the earth. I just can't help it when I think this way. Well, who knows maybe there is a guardian angel out there waiting to save me. Ah, that would be nice. A girl can always dream, I mean how could one person change a life, and if they could, why would they help me. I'm just me, nothing special, I'm just Zoe Sugg.


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