Behind the oaks

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BEEP BEEP BEEP. I slam my fist into my alarm clock, trying to get it to shut up. I have school in a few hours, some one kill me now. Well at least it's Friday. I reluctantly get out of bed and unplug my alarm clock. I'm done trying to look like a human, so I'm going goth. I pull all black clothing items and put them on. I mind as well destroy my face while I'm at it. I smother white powder all over my face then cake on the eyeliner as heavily as I could. Nervous to hear what my mother would think I head downstairs. I look in to the kitchen. She's not there, but I see a note on the counter. I pick it up, and it reads

"Dear Zoe,

I went to the gym to get a work out because I want to shave off my muffin top if you know what I mean! Ill see you when you get home from school

Love mama Sugg xoxoxo"

Yep that's my mom for you. I only live a block away from my school so I guess I'll walk. With each step I take closer to the school, the sicker I feel. I guess I'll just have to fend for myself and take it like every other day. Why am I thinking so deeply into this today. It's not going to be different than any other day right? Hmm I don't know it's probably just anticipation.

"Is it just my imagination, or is the walking dead REAL".

A new insult for me, great. I guess I brought it upon myself. I walk faster no even looking up, or paying attention. Then I feel a hard slam on my shoulder, and fall backwards. Is this really getting to the point where people have to physically hurt me?

"Excuse me, but I don't thin-"

My words are cut off when I look up and see a person that I don't recognize at all. He had whitish purple ish hair, and glasses with a thick black frame. His teeth were perfectly aligned and he looked almost perfect.

"I'm so sorry", he said in the cutest most timid voice I ever heard. He had the most adorable lisp too.

"No I'm sorry", I stammered "I thought that you pushed me. I didn't see you."

He looked very embarrassed when I looked up. Just then I realized that the hallway was silent and everyone was listening to us.

"See you", he murmured, then ran off into the hallway behind him.

Gone, the only person that hasn't judged me the first time they saw me is gone.

Once I snap out of it I realize that I'm still standing there, staring off into the direction that he ran off in, and everyone was still watching. I quickly gather the folders that I dropped and ran off. The rest of the day droned on slower than the tornado watch siren on a Wednesday. I hide in the bathroom five minutes after the last bell so I don't have to walk by so many people on my way out. Once I get out if the school doors I walk as fast as I can past the football team In practice. After I get off of school grounds I start walking down the street back to my home when I notice a person sitting by a tree. As I get closer I recognize the silver hair and glasses. The boy. It's the boy from the hallway. My heart starts to beat fast as I get closer to him. Should I say something, or just walk away? I tripped over my feet and fell with a large thump. Crap, that blew my chance of not talking to him. he turned his head and looked shocked.

"I don't have good balance, sorry", I said as I started walking away.

"I can tell, aren't you the girl from the hallway that I ran into earlier today?"

"Yea, what's your name"? I asked anxiously.

"I'm Tyler, Tyler Oakley. What's your name"?

"They call me Zoe, Zoe Sugg", I paused "Why didn't you just keep walking, and ignore me like everyone else? I've been bullied most of my life".

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