Chapter 2 - Fantastic Fonts

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Without fonts, your cover would not have a title. Without a title on your cover, you cover would not technically be a cover. Therefor, fonts are pretty important, right?

Don't be shy. How many of us look at all the fonts offered on an editing site, find one that we really like, and then say to ourseleves 'Hey! I really like this font! I really want to use it!'. I sure have. It's just a normal thought. We see something, we like it, we use it. Problem is, those fonts may not go with the cover. At all and what's more, the fonts may clash with eachother if you chose to use more than 2.

As a general rule, I would say only use two fonts at most. One for one or two words in the title that can stand out more, and one for all of the rest, including the author's name. The first font, the one to accent a couple of words in the title, should be something that goes with your story and of course, is easy to read. It also shouldn't totally outshine your other font. This font should not be used for the author's name. The second font, the font for all the other things, should be a basic font. I would say Georgia or Times New Roman. Something that looks clean and professional. This way, the font you picked for accents won't clash.

You have to be very careful with anything else you decide to do. Fun fonts can be fun, but they can also walk on a thin line between 'That look SICK!' and 'That's damn fugly'.

Remember, the author's name should be in the same basic font. If it's not, it looks unprofessional.

I hope this helps once again! Please let me know if you have any questions or anything you would like me to touch up on! Thank you!

Next lesson: 29/08/2013, today so stay in touch! I might not be on tomoz as it's my mum's bday sooo... BYE! Cya later!

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